Whole School

Key Dates

8Fri 6 SepSports Team Dress Up Day
9Wed 11 SepMC Redevelopment Campaign online launch, 7:30pm
Thu 12 OctRUOK? Day
10Tue `17 Oct

Y7-11 Student-Parent-Teacher Interviews (virtual)

No classes Y7-12

Redevelop Maribyrnong College


Sports Team Dress Up Day - Fri 6th Sep


Johnny Furphy visits MC

It was wonderful to host alumnus and NBA draftee Johnny Furphy at the college last week. Johnny spent some time with the Y10 HPP class before sharing some of his story with the ASP student-athletes. After school, basketball enthusiasts from across the college were able to say hello and get a photo with Johnny. 

We look forward to watching his development as an NBA player with the Indiana Pacers. 


New Year 7+8 student toilets now open!

On Friday our student leaders officially opened the newly upgraded Year 7+8 toilets facilities. This project is a response to feedback from many students who nominated this part of the school as the most in need of improvement.



1. Y7+8 toilets are for Y7+8 students only

2. Two options for Y9-12 students: existing Y9+10 toilets and the external stadium toilets. 

3. Students must wait for friends outside the toilet block – no “hanging out” or congregating in groups in toilets.

4. There can never be more than one student in a cubicle.

5. Food or drink must not be taken into the toilets at any time.


School savings bonus - update from Department of Education

The $400 School Saving Bonus provides families with support for education-related costs, such as school activities and/or school uniforms and textbooks.



Before 18 October 2024, the Department of Education is asking parents and carers to check your contact information. Please ensure your email address and phone number is upto-date on Compass (select 'Update my details' from cog/settings menu).


The $400 School Saving Bonus will be sent via email to parents/carers in term 4, so correct contact details are essential. 


Vaping advice from Department of Education

Parents, carers, schools, and community all play an important role in protecting children and young people from, and educating them about, the harmful effects of smoking and vaping.


The Department of Education has developed resources to help families learn more about the health risks of smoking and vaping.




Craft Club


Homework help


Pride Club