1/2 N

We are 1/2N!

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the families who attended their Student Progress Meetings and PSGs last week. It was a fantastic opportunity to celebrate your child's success and growth. 

Swim Week

This week, our Junior School Swim Program has kicked off with a splash! Everyone has taken to the water like fish, eagerly learning new techniques to enhance their water safety. The students have been diving in, swimming underwater, and mastering important strokes such as backstroke and survival breaststroke. One of the highlights has definitely been torpedo kicking—everyone is having a blast!


In Maths this week, we've been using MAB to partition three-digit numbers. Students have been demonstrating both standard and non-standard partitioning, placing three-digit numbers on number lines, and learning to read them accurately. It's fantastic to see the students so engaged and enthusiastic about their learning. Well done, everyone!


Thank you kindly,
