
Re-set and Ready to Learn
We are still continuing our Resets and Ready to learn each morning and after break times. We vary the activities we choose, to cater for different needs and interests in our classroom. Most recently we have been using ‘Mindful Monkey’ to guide us in calming breathing and stretching exercises.
Education in Faith
During our Education in Faith lessons, we have been learning about the Parable of the Lost Sheep. We began with a practical demonstration of a group of plush toys and one of them got lost. The students had to search the classroom for the, ‘Lost Sheep.’ We brainstormed how the sheep might feel all alone and how the students felt looking for him. We then read the parable and watched an animated clip and discussed the meaning of the parable. We related it to our lives when we or someone else had made a wrong choice, (like the sheep who had wandered off), and that we will always be forgiven and welcomed back by our teachers, friends and family.