Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report
Term 3 - Week 7
Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,
Before I get started, there are two pages in particular that I would ask you all to read through in this newsletter.
The Learning is Magic page explains that this year, we are merging Book Week and Science Week together into a 'Learning is Magic' Week. This week will include important events such as Grandparent's Day, the Book Week Parade, the Book Fair and a special house activities day. All of the specific dates are listed on the page.
The Community page includes some adverts from local sporting clubs who are hoping to see some new faces at their clubs over the coming weeks and months. I would love nothing more than for some of our students to have a go at participating in a new sport this spring/summer. We have information from Basketball, Soccer and Cricket clubs who would all love to hear from you.
P-2 Swimming
What a fantastic start to our Prep-2 swimming lessons week! The first three days have been filled with excitement, splashes, and smiles as our young swimmers have bravely taken to the water. It has been wonderful to see the children growing in confidence, learning new skills, and supporting one another in this important life skill. A big thank you to our dedicated teachers and instructors for creating such a positive and encouraging environment.
Many children have struggled to dress themselves and organise their belongings this week. We kindly ask parents to support your children in developing these important life skills at home throughout the year. All students should aim to be dressing themselves, putting on their own socks and shoes, and keeping their belongings in order. By practicing these tasks regularly at home, children will gain confidence and independence, making their swimming experiences even more enjoyable in 2025.
Music Lessons
On Wednesday I met with the team from Kool Kidz Rock, to discuss introducing optional musical lessons at school for interested students.
The instruments that we would offer lessons for are Guitar and Keyboard. Kool Kidz Rock teachers work with groups of 4 students at a time, all during school hours. These students would attend weekly lessons with their music teacher in our music room.
In order for the lessons to commence, we need at least 12 students across the school to be attending lessons each week. If you are interested, please visit the website where you can find all the important information and costs. We will be sending enrolment forms home with students today. If you are interested in enrolling in lessons, please return the completed form to school before Friday 6th September. We are hoping for lessons to commence at the beginning of Term 4,
If you would like to contact Kool Kidz Rock directly with questions, the email address is Alternatively, feel free to send me an email and I can help where possible.
Father's Day Breakfast
We look forward to welcoming families tomorrow morning for our annual Father's Day Breakfast. It is always one of the best days of the year. A big thank you to Mel Sotelo for co-ordinating the breakfast. Families can arrive any time between 7:30 - 8:30am.
Events like this are really special because they bring our school community together, allowing us to celebrate the important role fathers and father figures play in our children’s lives. These gatherings also provide a wonderful opportunity for families to connect with each other, strengthening the bonds within our school community. I look forward to seeing you all bright and early tomorrow.
Whole school excursion
On Thursday 19th September, every class at St Francis Xavier Primary School will be attending a Wellbeing Day at the Enchanted Maze. This day offers a fantastic opportunity for our entire school to come together in a fun and supportive environment. Students will engage in activities that promote physical health, mental well-being, and teamwork, all while exploring the beautiful and magical surroundings of the maze.
We will be closing the school office between 9:15am - 2:45pm on this day, as all staff will be attending.
Lunch Orders
As you are most likely aware, our previous lunch order provider 'Lunchiez' no longer provide their service to schools. We are currently working with Canteen Hub and Subway to organise Subway lunch orders one day per week. I am hopeful that we can have this up and running at some stage next term.
Seesaw Posts
Please keep an eye out for Seesaw posts from your children and their teachers. We would love to see some more 'likes' and comments from families. Children love seeing that interaction from home and and it is also great for the teachers to know that families are seeing what is happening in the classrooms.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Steve Peart
School Principal