Year 2 News

From Emma, Year 2 teacher


Year 2 students have kept busy with a variety of exciting learning experiences. 

All Things Fast

As the weather warms up, we’ve been learning about summer. Students were inspired by this season to create their own shape poem where the words of the poem create a visual image relating to the text. Using engaging and descriptive language, we wrote about our favourite summer things from icy poles to the waves at the beach. Students were also given the opportunity to write and publish several acrostic poems across the week. In Week 10, we have started to explore the theme of speed, from the fastest animals on the planet to rapid inventions. This has sparked a lot of curiosity and discussion in class, and we are looking forward to learning more about this concept over the coming week.

Time and Duration

In Numeracy, we’ve been working on understanding time and duration. A highlight was creating our own December calendar and planning all the upcoming events for the month. Another engaging activity was the time scavenger hunt where students were challenged to find 26 clocks around the room and record the time on each. At home, you may want to include your child in plotting important dates into your calendar and asking them the duration between each event.

Transition Day

On Tuesday, we had our whole school transition day. Students demonstrated maturity and resilience getting ready to move up to Errol St. They will be very much missed by their Year 2 teachers!


It has been a busy and rewarding year, and we’re so proud of the students’ efforts and achievements. We wish everyone a safe and happy holidays, and it has been a pleasure to work with your children this year.