Prep News

From Jonny, Prep teacher

Transition Day 

Prep had their transition day to Year One and it was amazing to hear back about their positive experiences with their new teachers. 

A picnic with Teddy Bears

The Preps have made so much progress this year so we were all very proud to see them building on their success and showing just how ready they are for a change. On Thursday, we will be having our final visit to spend some time with our Year 6 Buddies, where we will be playing together and having a teddy bear picnic to celebrate the end of the year.


As this will be my last newsletter this year, I wanted to take the time to thank the children, parents and teachers of NMPS for making me feel so welcome during my time here. I couldn't have chosen a better school to land in after arriving in Australia. Myself and the other Prep teachers wish you all a wonderful and restful summer holiday.