Principal's Report

Rohan Cooper

At the conclusion of our last School Council meeting, our President, Danny Benjamin, announced that he would be stepping aside from his role. Danny has held the role of President across 2023 and up until this period of 2024. I would like to sincerely thank Danny for the time and dedication that he has given to the role. His calm and measured approach was appreciated and respected by myself, fellow councillors and the school community. 

The council met further to nominate a new President for the remainder of this council term and I would like to welcome and congratulate Jackie Dzienciol for being the successful nominee. Jackie joined our Council this year after previously being actively involved in the school as a parent representative. Jackie is also active in working with the community engagement sub-committee of school council. I look forward to working closely with Jackie to continue to focus on ensuring that our school is the best learning, wellbeing and physical environment for all students. 


Concert week is fast approaching and our students are in the full-swing of rehearsals. It has been heartening to see our teaching team come together, stepping into some unexpected roles as we ensure the show goes on!     


Our focus continues on our new school values, with determination being in the spotlight this fortnight. The definition of determination is, ‘the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult’. Our students will face the ‘very difficult’ inside and outside of school on a regular basis; we need to prepare them with the skills to overcome these challenges. 


Key related theory to determination in education comes from James Nottingham, who coined the term, ‘The Learning Pit’, that describes the process students go through to build resilience, growth mindset, curiosity and collaborative skills. Students need determination to move through ‘the pit’, knowing that, despite the struggle, they can get to a successful and desired outcome. Teachers play a key role in this process, equally challenging and supporting students to determinedly work through ‘the pit’. 



Self-determination theory’ is another linked concept in education that is becoming more commonplace. This theory links the natural tendency of learners to explore their environments, to grow, learn and develop to how teachers cultivate this inherent interest through an intrinsically motivating school climate. The Department of Education is also leading work in bringing Koorie communities, young people and schools to listen, share and connect about self-determination for Koorie people in education


I look forward to celebrating determination in our students through our assembly awards, and don’t hesitate to shout-out to me via email or on the gates about any examples you see of our students showing determination.



Thanks for your ongoing support and keep doing your best.


Rohan Cooper
