From Mrs Scott's Desk

Friday 28th June 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,


As Term 2 draws to a close, I would like to thank you all sincerely for your continued support of our students and staff. Our St Joey’s family always continues to live our values of compassionrespect and commitment across all areas of our school. 


Today’s St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal Liturgy was a wonderful example of how compassionate our school community is. Thank you for your generosity in donating all the goods for this appeal. We appreciate you all being involved and building our family of care for others.

Semester Reports/Parent - Teacher Interviews

You should have all received your child’s Semester 1 school report yesterday. It was humbling to read all the reports and witness the progress students have made throughout the semester as well as noting the areas they require to develop further. We are appreciative of the time and effort teachers have put into quality teaching and learning, assessment and reporting whilst maintaining the utmost care for each child. 


On Monday, Parents and Carers will have the opportunity to meet with their child’s class teacher to discuss the report and their child’s progress at Parent/Teacher Interviews. This communication is another way to strengthen and continue the partnership between home and school as we work together to ensure your child’s social, wellbeing, physical, emotional and academic needs are met. If you are unavailable to meet with your child’s class teacher on Monday please do not hesitate to contact them and make another time to meet.

School Hats All Year Round

Starting next term, all students are to wear their school hats all year round. The uniform policy currently states that they only need to be worn in Terms 1 and 4. To ensure sun safety and limit the exposure to UV rays throughout the year, we ask that students start wearing the school hats all year beginning next term. We will have a 2 week amnesty period at the start of Term 3 and if children are playing outside in the sun without a hat after that time, they will be asked to play in the shade. We appreciate your assistance with this, as showing the children how easy it is to be sun smart, is really important. This sunsafe habit can become one for life!

Farewell Kearins Family

We farewell Alex, Alisha, Paddy, Piper and Eli Kearins who will be leaving our community at the end of this term to move to Newcastle. We wish them all the best in their new abode and give thanks for all their contributions to our school community during their time at St Joseph's. As mentioned previously, Alex has been part of our School Advisory Council for the last three years and we are grateful for his support and commitment in assisting the school. The family have donated a significant amount of books to our library and we are very appreciative of their generosity. We look forward to seeing them when they come back to Junee to visit family and friends in the future.

School Car Park Incident

Last Friday afternoon after school one of our teachers was heading home only to find that the driver’s side of her car had been scraped. The pictures below show the damage and the position of the vehicle in the park at that time. We are appealing to the school community to see if anyone has any information or witnessed this happen. If so, could you please come and see me next week. 

SJJU Social and Fundraising Committee

Our next meeting will be Week 2 Term 3 on Wednesday 31st July at Merv’s Cafe starting at 6pm. All parents are very welcome to attend and bring their children along too. A big thank you to all the parents who have assisted in any way for the events and fundraisers this term. Your generosity and commitment is so valued.

Kinder Enrolments 2025

Over the last few weeks I have had the privilege of meeting the families of the incoming Kinder 2025. The school will be in contact with the families in early Term 3 to move to the next step of the enrolment process. I would like to say how humbling it was to hear so many positive comments about why families want to enrol their children at St Joseph’s. Our sense of community and nurturing of each child were at the top of the list. We look forward to the transition days in Term 4 and having these children start in Kinder in 2025.

Grandparents Day 2024

Our Grandparents are such a special part of our school family and we will hosting a Grandparents day on Friday 26th July ( Week 1 next term) to give thanks for our grandparents. They are invited to join us at Mass from 9.30am -10.30am in the church, followed by a visit to classrooms for reading from 10.30-11.00am and we will conclude our celebrations with a whole school shared recess from 11.00-11.30am. We are asking that each family bring food to share on the day and we will have recess in the courtyard.

We look forward to acknowledging and sharing this special event with our grandparents.


Wishing you all a very happy holiday and we look forward to the students returning on Tuesday 23rd July, 2024.


Stay Safe and God Bless,

Angela Scott


Kinder has been out and about this week, learning our Joey's history in the office and essential skills in our bush area.