Year 1-2


Our Specialist Timetable

Tuesday - Art 

Thursday - Japanese, STEM and Physical Education

Friday - Bluearth/ My Future Academy alternates with Assembly

What's been happening...

End of Term 2 Fun and Frivolity

We finished off Term Two with our Mathematics Incursion and our Celebration of Learning. Thank you to all of our friends and family who came along to play Mathematics Games with us. There was loads of discussion and sharing of ideas as everyone tried to solve the Bridges of Konigsberg problem. 

PI - to 38 decimals! Wow
PI - to 38 decimals! Wow

Book Week

Book Week will be celebrated at St John’s during week 5 (12th – 16th August). many events take place during the week, all with a focus celebrating children’s literature.

The 2024 shortlisted books are displayed in the library and the students will be reading a many of these books and undertaking related activities. 

On Monday 12th August: There is anIncursion with Perform Education cleverly present a play based on several short-listed books.

On Tuesday 13th August - Thursday 15th August:  We will read, discuss and respond to  selected short-listed books. 

On Wednesday 14th August: Class visits to Euroa Library.  

9:15am - 10:00am: 1/2K 

10:00am - 10:45am: 1/2R

On Friday 16th August:  

Book Week Dress-Up Parade:  READING IS MAGIC! Students can create a costume inspired by this theme or related to any favourite book or book character. Use things you already have at home to create their costumes. The parade begins in the Mercy Centre at 9:15am. Families are welcome to join us!

Book Week Rotation Activities: students will participate in activities based on the selected short-listed books and the theme Reading is Magic in multi-age groups from 10:00am until 1:40pm.


Our focus is building a Growth Mindset. We are looking at strategies to grow our brains and to approach our learning with positivity.

When we make a decision to learn new things, we are fostering the power of yet. When we struggle at a task but persist and keep trying, we are putting the power of yet to work. When we look forward to doing something, we exercise hope and optimism.


In Heggerty, we have been breaking down words into their smallest parts, called phonemes, and putting them back together. Initially, we found substituting final sounds quite tricky, but we are mastering this skill with increased consistency. Our identification of short and long vowel sounds is improving and we are applying the skills we have learnt into our reading and writing.


We are exploring recounts. We loved reading Memoirs of a Hamster and Memoirs of a Goldfish. We learnt that events are sequenced in order, and the author uses humorous language to retell the story. 


We read the personal recounts of Ahn Do and Cathy Freeman. They inspired us with their stories of resilience and persistence.


Our Mathematics Unit of work centres around addition and subraction. We are learning to solve problems using efficient and flexible strategies. 

How many different ways can you make 10? You can only use each number once. Numbers must be touching. You do not have to go in a straight line, and cannot move  diagonally. One example has been shown. 

Mathemagicians - Year 1-2 students. Held Tuesday 22nd June 

You are going to become the world’s greatest artist by programming BEEBot to create your art work for you. Students from years 1 and 2, continued to develop their understanding of how to create an algorithm (set of instructions) for BEEBot to follow. There were treasure hunts, visiting the animals at the zoo, and going to a holiday village. The final piece was attaching the drawing tool and exploring the results!

Christine Buhler - Numeracy Specialist


We are looking at the daily life of Jesus. We investigated where Jesus grew up and the games that he might have played as a little boy. We wondered about the house he lived in and what he ate. We were amazed that the people in Jesus's time walked everywhere! We listened to the scripture about Zacchaeus (Luke 10:29-37), and wondered...what would it be like for Jesus to have meal with our family.  We wondered where the parable took place and what the characters were thinking.


We've been investigating how our world around us changes over time. This includes how our families change, the tools we use, our houses and how the seasons change and the effect it has on our environment and animals. We've enjoyed predicting how we think things will change in the future.

Our Virtual Holiday

We took time out from our busy day to promenade the streets of Paris in preparation of the Paris Olympics. We learnt many interesting facts and thoroughly enjoyed exploring the Eiffel Tower.


During this cold weather, please help your child to wear a jumper to school. A coat may be worn as well. To help us to return any lost items to the correct owner, please ensure all removable clothing items are labelled with your child's name. 

Upcoming Events

My Future Academy - Friday 9th and 23rd of August, 6th and 20th of September

Book Week - 12th to 16th of August. Book Parade - Friday the 16th 



Until next time,


Katherine, Karen, Fiona, Dee and Lisa