with Mrs Ramsden

Hello and welcome to the exciting world of STEM!


During this term we have been investigating algorithms and coding, also known as programming, this is the process of creating instructions for computers to follow. 


Just like humans use languages to communicate, computers use coding languages to understand and execute tasks. Examples of coding languages include Scratch and Bee Bot, both of which we use at school.

I am incredibly impressed by the enthusiasm and dedication our students have shown towards STEM coding and algorithms. The level of engagement in our coding projects and algorithm challenges has been phenomenal. Students are not only mastering complex concepts but are also applying their knowledge creatively to solve real-world problems. 


 It's inspiring to see them collaborate, innovate, and push the boundaries of their understanding. This hands-on experience is not only building their technical skills but also fostering critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. It's clear that our students are not just learning; they are thriving in this dynamic and ever-evolving field.

Skills students take from learning algorithms and coding.

Problem-Solving Skills:

  • Coding and algorithms teaches children to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable parts and find solutions step by step.


  • With coding, children can create their own games, animations, and stories, allowing them to bring their imaginations to life.


Future Career Opportunities:

  • As technology becomes more integral to our lives, understanding how to code can open up numerous career opportunities in various fields.

Logical Thinking:

  • Algorithms and coding helps children develop logical thinking by learning how to sequence commands and understand the cause and effect of their actions.


  • Coding often involves trial and error. Children learn to persevere and try different approaches until they find a solution that works.


STEM Timetable


3/4 Timperley

5/6 Frewen

3/4 Johnson



5/6 McKernan


1/2 King

1/2 Robinson


Email - tramsden@sjeuroa.catholic.edu.au


Have a great week!

Mrs R