From the 

Leader of Learning

Mrs Lynne Slater

Prioritising rest for peak performance

Cramming for exams? Feeling stressed? Don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep! Numerous studies, including a 2019 study by Okano et al., show a clear link between healthy sleep habits and academic achievement.


As our senior students gear up for assessments, prioritising sleep becomes even more crucial. While the recommended 8-10 hours nightly might seem like a luxury during exam season, skimping on sleep backfires.


Here's why:

  • Sleep deprivation hurts memory and focus. When sleep-deprived, you struggle to retain information and concentrate effectively – essential skills for acing exams.
  • Sleep strengthens your immune system. Poor sleep makes you more susceptible to illnesses, derailing your study plans.
  • Sleep keeps you sharp. Studies show that even a slight reduction in sleep over a week can significantly impair cognitive function.

Pay it forward: The Okano et al. study revealed that sleep quality and duration throughout the month, not just the night before a test, mattered most for academic performance.


Action Steps for Seniors:

  • Balance studying with sleep. Create a study schedule that allows for a consistent bedtime routine.
  • Prioritise sleep hygiene. Develop healthy sleep habits like avoiding caffeine and bright screens before bed.
  • Fuel your body and mind. Maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly to support both physical and mental well-being.

Remember, a well-rested mind is a powerful tool for academic success. So, prioritise your sleep – your grades will thank you for it!

Year 7 news

There are lots of exciting things happening in Year 7 at the moment. Students continue to enjoy the Amadeus classical music program. Classes in Technology Mandatory have made pizza or continued to work on their camping chair. PDHPE classes are in the midst of a Dance unit and are currently working on a group cultural dance routine. 

  • End of semester reports will be issued on Monday, 1 July
  • Parent Teacher Interviews will be held Thursday, 4 July (3.00pm - 6.00pm) and Friday, 5 July (10.00am - 2.00pm)

THRIVE - our academic success program

Our most recent THRIVE experience had our Year 11 Business Studies students hear from the owner operators of Caringbah’s newest fast food restaurant Mavericks. The students were guided through the business plan that led to the establishment of Mavericks. Students will now use this case study as part of their upcoming assessment task.


Assessment schedules

Year 12

Year 11

Year 7


Advanced notice

Trial HSC 

2024 HSC written exam timetable 

HSC practical and performance exam timetable

Languages oral exam timetable