Year 3 Specialist News - Term 3

Transdisciplinary Theme:
How the world works
Central Idea:
Kinetic sculpture captures the creative and artistic thought of invention.
Lines of Inquiry:
- The role of artists like Leonardo Da Vinci, Jean Tinguely, Theo Jansen, and Rueben Margolin in blending art with scientific inquiry
- How movement is depicted and integrated into various forms of art
- The importance of imagination and innovation in the creation of art and inventions
Key Concepts:
change and perspective
Learner Profile Attributes:
thinker and risk-taker
Students Will Create:
- Illustrations and watercolours inspired by the kinetic sculptures and design drawings of Tinguley
- Printmaking depicting a robot design, exploring scale, shape, negative and positive space
- Construction of a Robot. Focus on originality of form and the use of balanced colour to further highlight the sculpture.
- Illustration of a head profile incorporating the imaginative world of an inventors inside workings of the brain
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How the world works
Central Idea:
Japanese inventions have influenced the way we live today.
Lines of Inquiry:
- Famous Japanese inventors and their contributions.
- The way Japanese inventions influenced daily life and society of the world.
Key Concepts:
change, function, perspective
Learner Profile Attributes:
thinker, inquirers
Language focus (Japanese language):
Kanji characters
Students Will:
- Explore connections between Japanese inventions used in Australia
- Investigate reasons behind the creation of these Japanese inventions
- Understand the impact of Japanese inventions on our daily lives
- Study the significance of Kanji characters in Japanese culture
- Learn about the origins of Kanji character development
- Practice writing Kanji characters in the correct stroke order
- Create new Kanji characters independently
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How the world works
Central Idea:
Innovation and improvisation in music affects others.
Lines of Inquiry:
- The need for others to create
- The design process when composing
- Impact of new ideas on a group performance
Key Concepts:
function causation, connection
Learner Profile Attributes:
inquirers, risktakers
Students Will:
- Be introduced to bucket drumming. They will use their imaginations and creativity to explore various music elements on the buckets and on other ‘found sounds’ in their performances.
- Experiment with and explore different musical possibilities, through listening, singing and playing
- Take risks as they learn simple improvisation techniques and incorporate them over and within a known song
- Learn to read, write and play more complicated rhythms and play rhythms games
- Recognise various forms or patterns in music and decide on one to use in their own composition
- View several video clips where music is the focus but the environment is the motivation. E.g. ‘I Am the Earth’ and ‘Love Song to the Earth’ etc
- Sing songs connected to their unit of inquiry and special days of significance, e.g. NAIDOC Week and Father’s Day
Physical Education
Transdisciplinary Theme:
How we organise ourselves
Central Idea:
Sport and communities bring people together.
Lines of Inquiry:
- The importance of fair play and sportsmanship and personal development in athletic type skills
- The role of the Olympic games in our community and culture and how we all come together
Key Concepts:
connection and change
Learner Profile Attributes:
caring and principled
Students Will:
- Be introduced to a variety of athletic type skills distance and sprint runs, hurdling, long jump, high jump, discus and shot put and recognise how these skills are taught worldwide to compete fairly
- Use the learnt skills to compete in a whole school Olympic games activity and understand the significance of cultures in sport and how people come together when playing games
- Look at different Invasion games- soccer and rugby to clarify how all sports involve different types of techniques of play and rules
- How games have developed over time and how we can adapt the game to suit the needs of different skill levels