A note from Mr Jackson

Secret Gardeners Planting Frenzy

While many enjoyed an extra long weekend digging in their gardens, a band of gardeners invested hours into shaping and transforming our play space. They planted out corners and spaces that many simply walk by, and transformed spaces into new habitats and renewed undergrowth. I have attached a few images of their endeavors that are spotted around the school!


Excursions abound

The 4/5/6 students let the learning come to them on Tuesday this week, with a visit from the Victorian Parliament. Our two presenters were impressed with the knowledge of our students, particularly when it came to federal parliament. We may have some budding politicians in our midst. On Wednesday next week they head to Sovereign Hill.  Kate Thwaites is visiting the 4/5/6 Learning Area and will no doubt enjoy the rich questions that students have prepared.



Tax Free Library and Building Fund Support School Improvement

We have been fortunate over the last few years to receive a range of tax free donations that has supported the improvement of building.....eg. lighting throughout the school, access of technology in the classrooms, installation of interactive televisions, projection unit in the hall, sound system in in the hall and in the assembly area and also our library (extending the range of literature in the library, new reading books for the lower years and literacy sets for the upper year levels)


Learning A Highlight in the 1/2 Learning Area

Some have been mesmerised by the experiments plastered to the external windows in the 1/2 Learning Area. They have been exploring the weather and cycles related to our weather. I was thrilled recently to learn from 12W students and I am sure you will be just as impressed with their learning experiences included in this newsletter.


Giant Morning Slice Coming Up

A quick reminder to ensure you do not miss out on our Canteen Fundraiser advertised today. It is a chance to raise money for our canteen and ensure we cover our costs to ensure this valuable service continues.