Message From Our 


Dear Parents and Guardians,


Sacred Heart Parents & Friends Group

I'm excited to share that following our recent School Advisory Council meeting, we are exploring the idea of re-introducing a Parents & Friends group. This group would play a vital role in supporting our school community and organising fundraising events. We believe that school cultures flourish when there is a strong, positive, and inclusive parent community. To gather your valuable input, we will be sending out a survey next week. Your feedback is crucial, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts on this initiative.


Semester 1 Student Report

We are pleased to inform you that the Semester 1 Student Reports will soon be ready for distribution via the PAM platform. These reports are an important tool to reflect on your child's progress and will be the foundation for our upcoming Parent-Teacher Interviews next week. The interview booking platform remains open until 4 pm on Monday, 24th June 2024, for those who still need to secure a time slot. We encourage all parents to participate in these interviews, scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons next week, to foster strong communication and collaboration between home and school.


The significant improvements to the Semester One Student Report are aimed at enhancing clarity around learning growth and attainment against educational standards. The redesigned report, though not without its flaws, marks a notable step towards providing parents with a more user-friendly and informative overview of their child's academic progress. Our goal is to make it easier for parents to understand how their children are processing and growing in relation to established educational benchmarks. This report will offer clearer insights, making it a valuable instrument for identifying student development and areas of growth.


End of Term 2 and Professional Learning

As we approach the end of Term 2, please note that Wednesday, 26th June 2024, is the last day of term for our students. However, our school will remain open until the end of the week as our dedicated staff engage in professional learning sessions focused on enhancing our Mathematics and Literacy programs. These sessions are crucial for our ongoing commitment to providing high-quality education for your children.


Cold Winter Days

With the winter chill upon us, we remind you to ensure your children come to school dressed warmly. A number of students have been arriving with jumpers and warm clothing, which is fantastic. However, our lost property bin contains several unnamed jumpers. If your child is missing their school jumper, please check the lost property bin to reclaim it.


Shade Sail Construction

We are delighted to announce that over the term break, the much-anticipated replacement of the shade sail over the quadrangle will take place. Due to damage, the metal posts will be removed and new posts installed. A final measurement for the replacement shade sails will be conducted, with the installation scheduled for early Term 3. This enhancement will provide a better shaded area for our students to enjoy during their breaks.


End of Term Reflections

As we reflect on Term 2, it has been an incredibly exciting and productive period for both staff and students. Numerous wonderful learning opportunities and challenges have been embraced with enthusiasm and determination. I extend my heartfelt thanks to our parent community for your unwavering support and involvement in your child's academic journey thus far this year. Your partnership is invaluable to us.


I wish all our staff, students and families a safe and enjoyable term break. If you are travelling, please stay safe, and I look forward to welcoming everyone back re-energised and ready for another successful term of learning at Sacred Heart.


God bless,


Jamie McDowall
