Magis report 

Personal Project Exhibition

Last Friday our Year 7 and 8 Magis elective students displayed their Personal Projects in an exhibition at the Thomas More Exhibition Centre. This is a very special event on the Magis calendar, for it allows us to come together to celebrate the talents of our GATE students. This exhibition not only marks the culmination of many months of hard work and planning, but also the completion of the Semester One Magis Elective Course. The Personal Project Assessment forms a major component of the Magis Elective Course, and is based on the International Baccalaureate program but modified to suit younger students and the timeframe within which the course is run. Students were challenged to choose a project related to a major interest or passion of theirs. Some students explored topics that they would study in later years, whilst others pursued topics which could only be studied at a tertiary level. The results were simply outstanding! We commend the students on the enthusiasm in which they discussed their projects and the professional way they were executed. Projects ranged from autopsies to the Stellar Dyson Sphere, we also had two students who chose to write novels. A full list of Personal Projects can be found by clicking on the exhibition’s program below.



Many thanks to the staff, family, and friends who attended the exhibition. It was also wonderful to see so many students come in support of their peers, honouring our Ignatian values of being ‘people for others’ (homines pro aliis). 



In true Magis spirit, our elective students continued striving for the Magis even in their final lessons this week. Students were tasked with a series of academic challenges that tested their problem-solving, teamwork, and general knowledge. Congratulations to our Years 7 and 8 students on successfully completing their Magis Elective Course. We look forward to welcoming a new cohort of students next semester. 



College Chess Tournament Grand Final

Over 73 participants took part in our College Chess Tournament this year. Over the past 10 weeks, chess players from Year 5 through to Year 12 have taken part in a series of knockout rounds. The Grand Final was held over two lunchtimes – and what a game it was! James Sommerfield (Year 8 Campion) took on reigning grandmaster, Massimo Torre (Year 12 Ward), in a thrilling game of masterful strategy from both players – which attracted a large crowd of spectators. When Massimo moved his rook and announced 'checkmate', an applause rose up from the crowd, with both players shaking hands and congratulating each other on a great game. We congratulate both players on a terrific achievement and recognise the wonderful spirit of fairness and camaraderie in which they conducted their games. Both Massimo and James will be awarded their winner and runner-up trophies at our Magis Awards Breakfast later this year.




The WA Debating League (WADL) announced earlier this week the top two teams from each division who will be progressing to the final rounds of the Schools Debating Competition (SDC) next term. We congratulate our champion debating teams:

  • JTC 4
    • Lily King
    • Charles O’Toole
    • James Sommerfield
    • Isla Strong
  • JTC 5
    • Henry McGlue
    • Luke Nicol
    • Zachary Sartorello
    • Christopher Tan
  • JTC 7
    • Olivia Ince
    • Alexa Kallis
    • Emily Rintoul
    • Jenna Romano
    • Charles Tegg


What’s happening next term?

On Tuesday we held a Magis Assembly in the Gonzaga Barry Lecture Theatre. This provided us with a wonderful opportunity to come together as a cohort. Magis Captain, Thomas Syminton (Year 12) spoke to the students about the importance of maturity and reflection when receiving report cards and about wellbeing over the term break. We also recapped the student's achievements from Semester One, and outlined the competitions and events that will take place in Semester Two. In the first week back next term, the Magis Program will host The Players, from the Bell Shakespeare Company, for a wonderful afternoon of Shakespeare immersion. A key aspect of our GATE program is providing opportunities for students to learn 'more'. It is important for our students to be exposed to a wide range of genres, styles, and topics. Learning about Shakespeare gives students a glimpse at another world, and helps improve their logical thinking processes, emotional intelligence, and cultural awareness. The incursion will be held on Friday 19 July (Term 3, Week 1), during periods 5 and 6. Students will participate in a short activity prepared by our Shakespeare Club students. This will be followed by a performance of ‘Shakespeare is Dead’ and then a Q&A with the actors. The next day, we have the Plain English Speaking Awards State Final, and we wish Asha Paton and Thomas Syminton (Year 12) the best of luck.


What’s in store in Term 3?

  • Shakespeare Incursion
  • PESA State Final
  • Senior Ethics Olympiad International Final
  • WA Debating League Finals
  • British Parliamentary Debating
  • Creative Edge
  • Tournament of Minds
  • Junior Stretch and Challenge
  • GATE Symposium
  • Debate Training Clinic
  • WA Constitutional Convention
  • More course: Human Rights
  • TEDx Youth
  • Middle School Ethics Olympiad Training Clinic with international Ethics Professors
  • College Creative Writing Competition
  • House Challenges: STEM and Music
  • Magis Community Mass, which will be held on Friday of Week 9.


College Creative Writing Competition

The College Creative Writing Competition is now open! Students from Years 7 to 12 are invited to submit an original poem or short story. This competition encourages imagination, innovation, and creativity. There are great book prizes and trophies to be won. Further details can be found on our flyer below.


International Debating Championships

International Debating Championships provide quality debating teaching and tournaments for Australian and international schools, continuing to develop students’ public speaking skills, analytical ability, and general knowledge. The tournament will be held entirely online via Zoom on Friday nights during Term 4 of the NSW school term. It is open to students in Years 7-10 across Australia, New Zealand and Asia and will be conducting two divisions; Junior (Years 7-8), and Senior (Years 9-10). The tournament will be adjudicated by qualified and experienced university debating adjudicators. We will be holding debate development training seminars in Term 3, in the lead-up to the Term 4 competition. Expressions of interest are to be emailed to the Head of Magis by Friday 2 August (Term 3, Week 3).


Junior Gifted Stretch

We are in the process of selecting 12 students across Years 7 to 9 to take part in the 2024 Junior Stretch and Challenge Conference, in conjunction with Academy Learning and Thriving Minds. This transformative event is crafted to unleash the full potential of gifted minds, with a specific focus on STEM-related themes. Nurturing self-discovery, innovation, and intellectual growth, the conference is designed to inspire ambition. By attending, students will be inspired to think deeply, gain valuable insights, and develop skills essential for future success. The conference will be held on Friday 30 August (Term 3, Week 7).


The Global Voices Fellowship

Attention Year 12 students – applications are now open for the Global Voices Fellowship. This life-changing program aims to upskill and develop the next generation of Australian leaders to contribute to domestic and global decision-making. This is a fully funded scholarship, with all domestic and international flights, accommodations, breakfasts, visas, insurance, and registration fees covered. For more information click here or speak with the Head of Magis.

Shakespeare Club 

 Are you a fan of the Bard? Or interested in extending your literature knowledge further? Why not join our College Shakespeare Club? The Club's mission is to foster enjoyment in reading and encourage academic discussion of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. For further details or registration, please email the Head of Magis. 



Thank you to all students and staff for another outstanding Term. Wishing everyone a happy and restful term break! Here’s to striving for ‘more’ in Term 3!



Daisy Farley

Head of Magis - Gifted & Talented Program