From the Principal

After extensive preparation, 36 of our Year 11 students and their parents marked the commencement of their Year 11 Pilgrimage by celebrating Mass together last Thursday, before students and staff set off to far north Queensland on Monday this week. Early reports indicate that both students and staff continue to fully embrace this special time together. 


For those new to the College, it is a long-held tradition that our Year 11 students are afforded the opportunity to journey as pilgrims, deepening their understanding of our First Nations’ culture and traditions. A pilgrimage by nature is of course not a ‘trip away’ but is, instead, a journey rooted in ancient traditions involving acts of devotion, reflection and transformation. Our Year 11 Pilgrimage is a profound opportunity for personal development and spiritual growth and I am particularly thankful to the staff who so generously devote so much of their own time to ensuring the experience for our students is so impactful. In particular, I extend my thanks to Janeen Murphy, Liam Smith, Clare Galati, Jordan Webber and Ylenia Casadio. 


We wish our Year 11 pilgrims continuing safe travels and look forward to their return when we will be able to hear all about their experiences in Term 3.


In the meantime, I hope you are afforded the opportunity to spend some of your own precious time with family and friends during the holiday break. I also extend my thanks to our College community more generally for the significant contribution made throughout Term 2 and I look forward to everyone’s return in Term 3. 






Daniel Mahon
