From the Art Room...

Ms De Stefanis

Foundation Self Portraits

The clever Foundation students have spent some time this term looking and talking about some famous portraits. They belonged to artists such as Vincent Van Gough, Freda Kahlo, Rembrandt, Henri Matisse and of course the mesmerising masterpiece by Leonardo Da Vinci the Mona Lisa. 

Our observant students talked about the pose, her clothes, the features in the background and the muted colours used. They then used marker and water colour paints to create their own self portraits on a canvas. The results are precious. Mountains, roads, trees and rivers dot the backgrounds of lots of happy little faces. Enjoy some of the creations below!


The school holidays are a great time to allow children some more free creative time, to explore materials and ideas. The NGV website is a great resource of kids activities on offer not only at the gallery, but also activities that can be completed at home.