From the Sports Desk...
Ms Bos
From the Sports Desk...
Ms Bos
Last week our Foundation and year 1/2 students were lucky to participate in basketball sessions run by KB from Bullen Boomers Basketball. They learnt some skills, played some games, and it was great to have a real-life basketballer visit, who had played in the NBA. Towering over students at 6.8 feet tall, KB (mistaken for Michael Jordan by a couple of students), did happen to mention that he had played against Michael Jordan in College. Wow, what a treat for our students. Our foundation students were even luckier, with each going home with their very own basketball.
On Wednesday this week 18 girls, along with Mr Hogg, headed off to represent Donvale in the Divisional Girls AFL Footy day. The girls played a total of four games during the day, coming up against Templestowe Park, Doncaster Gardens, Serpell and Templestowe Valley. After losing the first game to Templestowe Park (the eventual champions), the girls went on a three game winning streak, and unfortunately didn't qualify for the Grand Final as Anderson's Creek were also undefeated during the day.
All of the girls played with great spirit, demonstrated great teamwork, and celebrated all of the goals during the day. It was fantastic to see that those that went last year as Grade 5s, have all shown wonderful improvement, and the girls that are playing at local football clubs, showcased their skills that they have worked on in organised sport.
Last Thursday was the second and last day of winter round robin for our 5/6’s. Although we didn’t have any teams progressing to the next round, we are super proud of how well each team played and the way they represented Donvale out in the community. A special shout out to the girls’ volleyball for making it to the grand final.