
VET Business Maton Guitar Factor Excursion

German Kino Excursion



Kambrya’s VET Business class went out on an excursion on Wednesday to the Maton Guitar factory. We learnt about how guitars were made while going through a very clear and detailed walk through of the factory, with us being able to hold and look at parts of a guitar. We also were able to go through their mini museum of vintage and famous guitars and the walls filled with bands and singers holding and using Maton guitars, some of these artists ranging from the Beatles, Slim Dusty, and The Strangers.


VET Business were extremely excited as we were able to see how a profession that isn’t spoken about often runs and how something as simple as a guitar can have so much handmade craftsmanship and manhours put into making them.  

by Paige Holmes (Year 12)




On Friday the 17th of May the Year 9, 10, 11 and 12 German students went on an excursion to the city. We met at Berwick Station at 8:30am and from there got the train to Parliament Station. Our first destination was The Kino Cinema at Collins Place. We bought our popcorn and drinks and sat down in a cinema all to ourselves. The movie was a German film called Skater Girls – Get Up. We all really enjoyed the movie and found it moving (I’m pretty sure a few people had tears in their eyes at one point). I was surprised how much of it I could understand. There were subtitles, which I would have been lost without, but I could still understand a lot more than I thought I would.


After the movie we had a short walk to Höfbrauhaus, a German restaurant in the CBD. Once there we had lunch, all traditional German dishes, of course. The staff there were very friendly, and we got to practice ordering in German. I had the Hähnchen Schnitzel (chicken schnitzel), which I thought was better than any schnitzel I‘d had in Australia. Then for dessert I had Apfelstrudel (apple strudel), a pastry with an apple filling and a scoop of ice cream on the side, which was very tasty.


This excursion was a great chance for us to be immersed in German culture and practice understanding and speaking the language, all in Melbourne. We also took the chance to get to know the people studying German in other year levels. I’m very grateful to Frau Duffus and Frau Hensel for organising this excursion. Hopefully we’ll be able to do more like this in the future.

by Aidan O’Reilly 11G



After what felt like years of waiting, on Friday the 17th of May, the German students of Kambrya, including myself, Mrs Hensel, and Ms Duffus, finally embarked on our excursion to Melbourne Stadt, (city). The morning was filled with anticipation, excitement, enthusiasm, and eagerness for the day to come. I remember simply not being able to sit down at the train station knowing that just in a few hours I was genuinely going to have the time of my life. We made it to the city, getting off at Parliament Station.  Mrs Hensel began to use her navigation skills to get us all to the cinema, however in the end it was the students who took the role of navigator.


I’m not going to lie, I had my doubts about the film Skater Girl, considering it was the teachers who picked it. I came in with the mindset of it being a boring children’s movie with no plot and rainbows jumping out of the screen. However, boy was I wrong. The movie truly was a work of art. It genuinely portrayed a message to all of us, to follow your aspirations even if people won’t accept it, to do what you love, follow what you love and be what you love because, in the end, only you will face the consequences. 


The teen movie was also heavily centred around friendships which as a teenager who is currently trying to figure out the true essence of relationships, I resonated with the characters in the film a lot. I even believe a few individuals dropped some tears at the end of the movie too. 


Finally, it was time to dine at the traditional German restaurant Hofbräuhaus.  The restaurant just oozed a homey feeling which made the experience even better. The waiters were extremely friendly and quickly catered to our large group of people as well as ignoring our loudness – just kidding –  we represented Kambrya in a good manner. I had the pleasure of ordering the Hähnchen Schnitzel, which was sehr lecker. The portion size was massive, so I was left feeling very pleased with the meal. The dessert war wundervoll. We ended the meal with a thank you which was of course in German and made our way back to Parliament Station. Here again, the students were the expert navigators, guiding the group to victory also known as the station.


 At around 2:20 we hopped back on the train to Berwick station which unfortunately would be where our amazing trip would end. Nevertheless, the train ride was filled with chatter and laughter as we all tried teaching Mrs Hensel slang. At 3:30ish we said our goodbyes and our German Stadtausflug concluded. The trip was value full, and I learnt several new things as the day progressed. I would like to say thank you to Mrs Hensel and Ms Duffus who worked tirelessly to plan this trip.



by Elizabeth Deng

Year 9