Curriculum Matters 


This week, our Foundation students have been learning about having a growth mindset. We listened to the wonderful story ‘The Magical Yet’ and created our very own magical Yets. Our Yets are going to watch over us in the classroom to encourage us and tell us that some things we can’t do just yet.

Level 1

On Tuesday 18 June, the Level 1 students went on an excursion to Scienceworks. 

Students discovered the science of light and colour through hands-on activities and applied their knowledge. They were enthralled by the phenomena of light and colour such as rainbows, stars and shadows. They learnt about what makes light and the materials that can affect how light moves. 

Level 2

This week, the Level 2 students learned about acrostic poems, a fun and creative way to play with words. They enjoyed making poems where the first letters of each line spell out a word. It was exciting to see their creativity shine through their work!

Level 3

Level 3 had a fantastic day out on Thursday 13 June, when we went to watch 'Inside Out 2' at Belgrave Cameo Cinemas.  We thoroughly enjoyed our popcorn treat! 

We learnt all about the new emotions we might experience as we get older, including anxiety, embarrassment, envy and boredom. We later practised strategies to accept and acknowledge these emotions as they may arise. 

We also got to enjoy a barbeque lunch and a play at Belgrave Lake Park. 

Thank you to the mums for cooking! You were amazing! 

Level 4

On Friday 14 June Level 4 ventured up to the hills to the Cameo Theatre to watch 'Inside Out 2'. 

This movie complemented our Social and Emotional Learning and supported our Zones of Regulation. The students enjoyed the movie and the activities back at school about emotions.


Here are some of the Level 4s reviews of Inside Out 2 :


The movie was really clear, and I really like the popcorn. I think the movie gives us great information about not letting our anxiety take over. I give it a 4 out 5.  

Qinmo 4C  


I liked the movie because it was funny, and it is good for all ages. I really enjoyed going to the cinemas because the movie was clear and hilarious. 

Jacob 4C


'Inside Out 2' was great as I liked the new characters because they were really good emotions. They set a great example of emotions and I rate the movie 4.5 out of 5. Charlotte 4V


I really liked 'Inside Out 2' as the new emotions came and tried to take over. I liked that there was some type of action with Joy and the old emotions trying to get back to HQ. I give it a 4.5 out of 5. 

Talib 4V


'Inside Out 2' was a great movie because it was very emotional, I recommend this movie to all ages for people who like emotional movies. If you liked 'Elemental', then you might like this one. I give 5 out of 5.  

Angela 4B


I think that movie was great. It had excellent emotions and good storyline. I liked all the new characters but especially Embarrassment he was funny. For now, I recommend this movie to people who like funny things and emotions. I give it 4.5 out of 5. 

Eric S 4B.

Level 5

On Wednesday the 12 of June, Level 5 students participated in the first ever Stargazing Night. 

Although there were only a few stars due to cloudy weather, Level 5 still had lots of fun. We did activities and games related to some of the work we did this term. One of my favourites was using the iPad to find different planets, moons, constellations and even some star signs. The night started by doing a quiz with a group of friends. After, we has some delicious pizza for dinner organised by Ms Beagley. Then we headed out to the oval once it was pitch black. Another of my favourite activities was using glow sticks to make constellations, which we later got to keep. Overall, the first stargazing night was so much fun, and I hope that the next Level 5’s can also enjoy stargazing night.                                                                                                                 Sophie G


On Wednesday the 12 of June, Level 5 had their very first stargazing night. We got to do all sorts of activities like making constellations on the oval with glowsticks, eating pizza and looking at what is behind the clouds with an app called night sky. Level 5 has so much fun that night and we even got to look at videos about stars.                                                                                                                                                                        Emilia V 

Level 6

Level 6 VHAP Students Headed to the Botanical Gardens For a Bio-Mimicry Excursion


Level 6 VHAP students had the most awesome time at the Melbourne Botanical Gardens. We got to learn all about something super cool called bio-mimicry.

Bio-mimicry is like taking ideas from nature’s designs and using them to solve problems humans have. We saw how plants, animals, and even tiny insects have amazing ways to do things that scientists and engineers are trying to copy.

Imagine this – did you know that the shape of a bird’s wing helps airplanes fly better? Or that the sticky feet of a gecko are inspiring new kinds of tape that can stick and unstick over and over? It’s like nature has all these secrets waiting for us to discover!

At the gardens, we got to use microscopes to look at tiny details of leaves and insects. We saw how their patterns and structures can teach us new things about making stuff in a better way. And we even got to think up our own inventions based on what we learned – how cool is that?

Everyone was buzzing with ideas by the end of the day. It’s so exciting to think that maybe one day something we saw or thought about at the gardens could change the world!

Our teachers said they were super proud of how curious and excited we all were. They think learning about bio-mimicry is not just about science, but also about being creative and thinking big.