Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Julie Hall








Assistant Principal:     Scott Zachariassen






Victorian Teaching & Learning Model (VTLM) 2.0  

Schools have been aware that the Education Department is introducing the VTLM 2.0 in 2025, primarily focusing on Literacy 2.0 and Maths 2.0. This has been highlighted a little more publically with recent media reports around 'introducing' synthetic phonics in primary schools.

At Jells Park PS we have been planning the implementation of  Literacy 2.0 and Numeracy 2.0 since the start of the year, ready for 2025. There will be changes to the Student Reports, the Continuum Tracker, our Scope & Sequences and the Assessment Schedules. The other thing to note is that Jells Park PS has been using synthetic phonics in the early year teaching for a number of years, with our program of Little Learners Love Literacy and the use of the Soundwaves spelling program. The government are a little late to the party!!

Funding of Projects

I will be sending out a more detailed letter that explains how we have been spending funds from the school accounts, however for the recent projects I wanted to let the community know where the money has come from and how you have all assisted in making these developments happen:

  • Basketball Court Resurface - paid from the tax deductible Building Fund, contributed to by Parent Contributions. It took a few years to accumulate the funds to do this, so thank you everyone.
  • Fans in the Gym - paid by the Jells Park Parents Committee from all their fundraising efforts last year and this year.
  • Admin Wall replacement - paid from budgetted maintenance funds, contributed to from government funds and school maintenance funds. This was a 'priority 1' repair requirement.
  • Interactive Board replacements - paid from the tax deductible Library Fund, contributed to by Parent Contributions. These will be leased over 5 years so the cost will be distributed over the next 5 years. Once again, thank you parents.
  • Roof Safety upgrades (coming) - paid from budgetted maintenance funds, contributed to from government funds and school maintenance funds. This is a compliance repair requirement.

2025 Enrolments - Siblings

Do you have a child ready to start school in 2025 and have yet to enrol them?  Please see the school office immediately as the enrolment process is well under way and with a new online system and with offers for positions at Jells Park PS being made in early Term 3, you do not want to miss out. Enrolment applications are due at the end of this term. Please don't delay.


Kevin Oakey



Mid-Year Parent Teacher Interviews and Reports

Reports and the Continuum tracker will be available for parents to view from 4pm today. A lot of work has gone into putting this information together for families and we hope that you take the time to look through them and celebrate your child's strengths.

Don't forget to book your Parent Teacher Interviews through the Sentral parent portal!/login 

Registrations are now open and close on Monday 24th June at 3pm.

If you are unable to attend on this date, please contact your class teacher for an alternative time.

If your child participates in the BOOST or EAL program, you will have the opportunity to book a time to meet the relevant teacher also.

ONLINE Interviews must be booked between 12.30pm - 2.40pm. Your child's teacher will email you a link.

FACE to FACE Interviews must be booked between 3.10pm – 5.30pm and are held ONSITE in your child's classroom.


Julie Hall

Assistant Principal


Student Attendance

As we near the halfway point of the school year, and delve into the middle of a Melbourne Winter, we would like to point out the crucial role that consistent school attendance plays in your child's academic success and overall development.


Why Attendance Matters:

  • Academic Achievement: Regular attendance directly correlates with higher academic achievement. Each day a student misses means valuable learning opportunities are lost, impacting their understanding of key concepts and ability to keep up with their peers.
  • Skill Development: School is not just about academics; it's also where children learn essential life skills such as time management, collaboration, and problem-solving. Consistent attendance fosters these skills by allowing students to engage fully in classroom activities and group projects.
  • Building Relationships: Being present in school helps children form meaningful relationships with teachers and peers. These connections provide emotional support and encouragement, which are crucial for their social and emotional development.
  • Preparation for the Future: Regular attendance instills discipline and responsibility—qualities that are indispensable as students progress through their educational journey and prepare for higher education or the workforce.

Tips for Promoting Good Attendance:

  • Establish a Routine: Set regular bedtimes and morning routines to ensure your child is well-rested and ready for the school day.
  • Communicate Early: Notify the school promptly if your child is unable to attend due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances.
  • Allow enough time to arrive at school: Our school day begins at 9:00am and students can be on the school grounds from 8:30 am onwards. It’s important to allow enough time to get your child to school prior to the beginning of the day. Late arrivals have impacts on a child’s social and emotional learning time.
  • Encourage Engagement: Take an interest in your child's school activities and encourage their participation in extracurriculars that enhance their overall school experience. Jells Park has an extensive extracurricular program, far beyond other schools in our area. It is important that your child is present at school to ensure they can participate in these programs.

In addition to regular school attendance, being at school on time is just as important. 

One of the important decisions our school made to our curriculum a few years ago, was to implement a 25 minute Social and Emotional Learning Lesson at the beginning of every day. Not many other schools do this however we have seen the benefit of this over the years it has been implemented. Constant late arrivals to school impacts your child’s learning of these skills so arriving at school on time is extremely important. 


Some information and flyers are attached with information regarding the importance of regular school attendance. If families are experiencing difficulties in regular school attendance for their child, please reach out to your classroom teacher or myself for support or advice.


We currently have over 150 students with unexplained absence days totalling more than 300. Can families please use the Parent Portal App to change these unexplained absences. It is important for our school records that these are rectified before the end of Term.


Thank you for your commitment and support with this and please contact us if you require extra assistance.


Scott Zachariassen

Assistant Principal