Sports News

Emma Martin

Polding Softball Trials

We would like to congratulate Eloise Trotter for effort and sportsmanship displayed at the Polding Softball trials in Sydney last Thursday. Well done Eloise we are so proud of you.

Eloise Trotter
Eloise Trotter

Athletics Carnival

Week 9 - Thursday 27th of June will be our school's Athletics Carnival for K-6 at Manilla High School. The P & F will be running a BBQ and Lolly tent and would love to have some parent helpers on the day. Parents and friends are more than welcome to come along and cheer on their little people. 


The students have begun practising for the field events at school during their PE lessons.


NSW Touch Clinics

This week we commenced our NSW Touch Clinics. The students from K-6  absolutely loved learning new ball skills and participating in the game based activities. We are looking forward to our next three sessions.


Yours in Sport,

Miss Martin