
Birthdays and Awards


Happy birthday to Jet Martin, Michael Maughan, Zandah Shorter, Kash Flood and Ashton Ison who celebrated birthdays recently. We hope you enjoyed a wonderful day.


Merit Awards

Darcy Hall: fantastic effort in writing.

Erika Shepherd: fantastic work in InitiaLit.

Miller Burke: observational skills in Science.

Logan Burrows: skillfully measuring syllables to create Haiku Poems.

Tommy Taber: consistently working hard in all learning areas.

Sylvia Herle: great acting in Drama.

Rowan Eykamp: fantastic work in Creative Arts.

Poppy Long: showing great resilience at the touch clinic.

Arianah Stark: outstanding figurative language in writing.

Christopher Fleming: excellent work in our History research task.

Tobie Weekes: spectacular problem solving in Mathematics.

Merit Award Recipients - Week 7
Merit Award Recipients - Week 8
Merit Award Recipients - Week 7
Merit Award Recipients - Week 8

Legends of the Light Shine Awards - Peacemaker

Cora-Jane Martin, Jack Aurisch, Jed Davis, Isaac Marshman.

Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients

                                                                       Laudato Si' Award

Cameron Burge and Mrs Williams, Destiny Smith.

Laudato Si' Award Recipients
Laudato Si' Award Recipient
Laudato Si' Award Recipients
Laudato Si' Award Recipient

  Reading Award

Mackenna Alani, Stella Agnew, Max Coombes and Qunesha Sing-Adams.

Reading Award Recipients
Reading Award Recipients