Teaching & Learning

Failing to learn
Earlier this week, around the staffroom table we discussed failing... the fear of it, the need to fail, and how failing is part of the learning process and a pathway to success. Naturally, we talked about our students and how we can encourage them to take chances, recognise that it is ok to make mistakes, and create a safe space where "failures" and successes are celebrated. We shared how everyone experiences failure, even people we think are highly successful. This led me to share what I call, "The Michael Jordan video" - a 30-second commercial with Jordan explaining how his success is due to his many failings.
I'm not sure if the Facebook algorithm was at play, or if my phone was listening to our conversation, but later that day one of my posts from long ago popped up on my phone. It was from the organisation, Understood, with a link to an article titled, "Is it ok to let kids fail?" Click here to visit their website or here to read the article.
Quotes from Understood
Maria Ruberto, a Consultant Psychologist, and Neuropsychotherapist, has been working in partnership with MACS schools in the Eastern region and shares how we need to teach "the failure budget" and learn that we need to fail on average, three times a day. This builds our mental fitness and develops autonomy, confidence, and resilience. According to Maria, failure recovery (our ability to overcome setbacks) is where the learning takes place.
As much as it can be uncomfortable to experience and discuss our failures, it is an important step toward success for children and adults.
I hope you have a wonderful week - failing, succeeding, and learning!