P&F News

Presidents Report 20 th May 2024
What a busy start to the term it has been! The Mother’s Day stall was fantastic! It was so good to see lots of new parents comingalong to help the kids choose their presents. Everybody seemed to have a goodtime.
Special mentions to Emily for ordering and organising, Audrey for chocolates, plants, Sue Meese for her beautiful soaps, Charlotte Gaynor (past student) for candles and the students at Mater Christ who make beautiful Mum mugs. It is really great to have items that have been made with love from members of our community, it makes our stall something really special.
Subway Mondays started three weeks ago. This is going to be a trial-and-error exercise tofind the company and frequency that works and I want to thank Audrey for her tireless work on this. As we do not have a canteen and Hot Lunches are a bit of a big undertaking it is good to have an option that is not time/volunteer heavy. The first Hot Lunch for Term 2 went without a hitch (at least it looked like that from the outside). We will be having our freebie toastie day on the last day of term. Thanks to Emily, Taryn and Kylie for your help and support, while there is a bit of work involved there is also a lot of chat and a few laughs. Last Saturday night we had our Mother’s Day drinks at The Black Bee. This event was well attended with current and past Mums braving the cold to imbibe in cocktails, eat delicious food and have a good chat. Thanks Audrey for organising, we should make it an annual event!
Coming up……Not too much happening this term in preparation for the fun and games of next term. Our next Hot Lunch is a free Toastie day on the last day of term.
Thanks Amy
Next Meeting:
Monday 17th of June @ 7pm in the staffroom – all welcome. Sometimes there are TimTams…...
We are always happy to have new members join the committee. Even if you feel you don’t have a lot of time to commit to events, your fresh ideas and suggestions help to keep things interesting. Or just come for the TimTams!
P&F meeting dates for 2024 are:
June 17th
July 22nd
August 19th
September 16th
October 14th
November 18th (AGM)
Our committee is always on the look out for new members. If anyone is interested in joining please let me know and I will pass on the details to you.