Learning and Curriculum Primary - Stage 3

Welcome Back!
Welcome to Term 3 where we have hit the ground running (literally) with our House Athletics Carnival today. Thank you to Mr Locke for his organisation of such a well-loved event.
As we begin a new semester, students are encouraged to reflect on the feedback they received in their Semester 1 report and during their Parent/Teacher Interviews and to set goals accordingly.
On Monday this week, staff attended the EREA Network Day where we had the opportunity to hear from keynote speakers and work with colleagues from several schools to share best practice regarding boys' education. A key takeaway was the significance of the relationships that boys form around the age of 12. It is important that boys feel connected to the key people in their life as this is a key factor in students developing positive self-esteem moving forward.
This term, we look forward to connecting with families on a number of occasions including at our annual Book Parade, Grandparent’s Day, Father’s Day Mass and open classroom events. Further details and dates will be communicated in future Especean articles.
ICAS Assessment Dates
Writing | Tuesday 6 August | 7:30 AM | Westcourt Library |
English | Tuesday 13 August | 7:30 AM | Westcourt Library |
Science | Monday 19 August | 7:30 AM | Westcourt Library |
Mathematics | Tuesday 27 August | 7:30 AM | Westcourt Library |
A last call for registration for ICAS Assessments. Please follow the below steps if you wish to register your son.
1. Go to the Parent Portal: https://shop.icasassessments.com/pages/pps.
2. Enter our school’s access code – FKS095
3. Enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment.
Registration and payment close on 29 July 2024.
Sarah Tatola Daniel Fields
Head of Teaching and Learning Stage 3 Head of Curriculum Stage 3