Wellbeing @ NLPS

Powerful Interactions

Having powerful interactions with children is crucial as it fosters their emotional wellbeing, builds their confidence, and helps them feel valued and supported. These interactions can significantly reduce anxiety, promote resilience, and create a strong foundation for healthy emotional and social development. 


Here are some tips that you may find useful at during drop-off and pick-up times:


Tip 1 - Send positive vibes. Focus on positive experiences and achievements, even if they are small. 


Tip 2 - Be quick and cheerful. We recommend a prompt drop off and pick up. Lengthy drop off/pick up can cause confusion and anxiety and disrupt other children in the classroom. Allow your child to walk independently to their classroom.


Tip 4 - Greet your child respectfully. We recommend giving your child your full/undivided attention. Phones can be a distraction when greeting your child. Meet your child’s enthusiasm to see you with a calm voice. 


Tip 5 - Physical Reassurance: A gentle hug or a high-five can provide comfort and reassurance.


Tip 6 - Routine Establishment: Creating a consistent drop-off and pick-up routine helps reduce anxiety by providing predictability.


Tip 7 - Mindfulness Practices: Teach and practise simple mindfulness techniques like deep breathing or visualisation to help manage anxiety.


Tip 8 - Engage your child about school. Help your child open up about learning by asking good questions.  Avoid open-ended questions like: What did you do in school today? Ask specific questions requiring reflection.


Powerful Drop-off Conversations:

Positive Anticipation

 What are you most excited about today?  

I can't wait to hear about something fun you do today!   


Affirmation of Feelings

It's okay to feel a little nervous. You are so brave, and you can handle this! 

Remember, it's normal to feel this way, and you'll feel better once you start your day.



I believe in you! You always find a way to make the best of things.

You are going to have a great day because you are great at making friends/solving problems/being kind.


Routine and Predictability

Let's take three deep breaths together before you go in.

I’ll be right here to pick you up at the end of the day, and we can talk about all the cool things you did.


Strength Reminders

Remember how well you did with [specific past event]? You can handle today just like that.  You’ve got your superpower of kindness with you. Use it today and see what happens!


Powerful Pick-up Conversations

Positive Reflection

Tell me about the best part of your day!

What made you smile today?

What made you laugh today?



What is something you did today that you are proud of?

Did you try something new today? How did it go?


Empathy and Validation

 Did anything make you feel worried or sad today? It’s okay to talk about it.

 I missed you today. I bet you did some amazing things!


Connection and Support

Who did you enjoy spending time with today?

What’s something you learned today that you’d like to share with me?


Future Focus

What are you looking forward to tomorrow?

Is there anything you'd like to do differently tomorrow?


These interactions aim to build a child’s confidence, validate their feelings, and create a positive, reassuring transition between home and school. 


Intervention with Monash: Helping children to deal with emotions/emotional regulation

Monash are offering psychological interventions for primary school aged children and their families. Focused on helping children to deal with emotions/emotional regulation. I think it is free, but please just double check if you are interested.

Here is the blurb: Are you a parent seeking support to address anxiety, anger, or sadness in your primary school-aged child? Emotional challenges can be overwhelming for both children and parents.

The My Emotions Brief Intervention (3 sessions) is designed to help children and their parents to develop emotional awareness and regulation skills.

  1. Personalised Assessment and Intervention: We work collaboratively to identify specific emotional challenges for each child and family and to tailor the intervention to their distinct needs.
  2. Parental Involvement: We understand the important role parents play in their child's emotional development. Our program actively engages parents in the intervention process, offering them the knowledge and tools to support their child's emotional development.
  3. Practical Techniques: We provide accessible, actionable techniques and activities that can be seamlessly integrated into daily life by each child and family.

My Emotions Intervention for Primary School-Aged Children and Their Parents (Project ID: 40987) - Krongold Clinic (monash.edu)