Primary News

Pyjama Day
On the last day of term, Friday 28th June, the Primary students can wear their pyjamas for Pyjama Day. We ask for a gold coin donation please.
Borrowed Clothing - Primary
Accidents happen with our Prep/One students and we have a limited stock of extra clothing. If your child has come home in borrowed clothing, we would appreciate it being returned ple
P-6 Award Winners
Congratulations to our P-6 award winners from over the past few weeks ✨✨✨
Mildura District Soccer Competition
Well done to the Grade 5/6 students who participated in the Mildura District Soccer Competition. They showed great sportsmanship and had a great time!⚽
Primary Winter Sports Competition
Well done to our Grade 5/6 students who participated in the Merbein District Winter Sport Competition. It was great to see all of our students demonstrating great sportsmanship and having a good time.
Congratulations to the Hockey and Soccer teams who have advanced to the next round in Mildura next week. ⚽🏑
Year 2/3 Excursion
the Year 2/3 students visited the Mildura Eco Village, where they had the opportunity to participate in different activities to celebrate World Environment Day 🍃🌿
Checking Names on Uniforms
Could parents please make sure you check the names on the uniforms your children are bringing home. We have had a few taking home other students by mistake.
Uniform Policy
A quick reminder regarding our uniform policy – students are required to wear a Merbein P-10 College school t-shirt every day with black pants/shorts/skirts. Patterned or multicoloured shorts/pants/jumpers are not permitted. If students bring additional clothing such as beanies, hats, or dress-ups, they will be asked to remove them and place them in their bags when inside the buildings.
The colder weather has arrived! Many students have come in very chilly the past few mornings. Please locate your child’s school jumper at home and send them to school with it on. If you do not have a school jumper at home, uniforms can be purchased from the main office. Alternatively, send your child to see Miss P who keeps a spare uniform cupboard full of spare/unclaimed jumpers that have been washed and are ready for new owners.
Front Playground After School
The playground at the front of the school, in front of the Green Building, is out-of-action after school for all children. Families, please keep children off of this playground after school. Due to liability concerns, all children will be asked to get off the playground after school.
We have a spare uniform storage at school for a range of circumstances – to assist families in need, for students in the event of toileting or food accidents and, particularly in swimming weeks, in the event of lost uniforms. If your child has grown out of their old uniforms and these are still in good condition, please consider donating them. We have plenty of jumpers but are running low on t-shirts, pants, shorts and hats. Please send your child with your donations to Miss P (Carla Piscitelli).
Wellbeing Food Pantry
The college keeps a small amount of non-perishable food on hand for whenever students need it – this is often used when students leave lunchboxes at home or even for those days when they are just extra hungry! With winter coming into season, we are seeing an increase in the demand for this service. Some students have asked whether they can provide donations which is fantastic and is an indication of the wonderful community we have here at Merbein P-10 College. If any families wish to donate some non-perishable snack food (popcorn, jelly cups, muesli bars), send them with your child to give to Miss P or hand in to the primary office with Heather. Thanks!
Naming Articles
Please remember it is very important to name all your children’s property clearly, especially hats and jumpers, bags, drink bottles and lunch containers.
OSHC Program
A reminder to families our OSHC program only operates until 6.00pm each school night.
Please ensure you collect your child/ren by 6.00pm or a late fee of $1.00 per child per minute will be charged.
Dogs on School Grounds
If you are bringing a dog to school at pick-up or drop-off times please make sure it is on a lead and that you wait outside the gate for your child/ren. We have students with allergies and some students that are very nervous around dogs. Thank you.
Before School
Families please be aware that students who arrive at school before 8.40am can go to the Breakfast Club, held in the Canteen from 8.15am. Alternatively, they may sit on the seats at the back of the Green Building until 8.40am. Students are not to play out the front of the Green Building until 8.40am when the front playground is supervised and the doors of the Green Building are opened.
Severe Food Allergies
There are students at the school with severe food allergies. Please remind your child that their food is not to be shared.
School Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPB) Posters
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
Cheryll Hodge is our school’s OSHC coordinator and can be contacted on 0428 258035 if you have any queries. Please remember to contact Cheryll if your child/children are booked in and won't be attending.
Blue Book/Library Bags
Reminder that all students need a suitable waterproof bag to put their library and reading books in to take home. Blue book/library bags are for sale at the school uniform shop. Students are to return their diaries, books and bags every day after reading their book at home.