Assistant Principals' Report

ICT Acceptable Use Agreement and 2024 Curriculum Contributions
Just a reminder that the ICT Acceptable Use Agreement needs to be signed by Thursday, 28th March. The agreement can be located via the Compass Portal Payments Centre. In order for your child to continue to access the school Wi-Fi, this agreement will need to be signed by both students and parents by the due date.
Positive Routines at School and Home
This term, we have been busy building a positive climate across the Primary Years. Our classes have been learning and practising positive learning routines and students have been supported to be on time, be calm and enter the classroom quietly, greet their teacher and have their learning materials ready. Students in each year level have been focusing on the entry routine for every lesson, every day.
We ask for your continued support and partnership in establishing and maintaining positive routines and you can help by supporting your child to recognise routines at home and how these are important for their problem-solving, sense of belonging and increased independence. Even the most simplest of routines can assist children in managing their personal capabilities such as drop-off times, daily morning routines, washing hands, and applying sunscreen. Having positive routines assists children in developing positive social skills and provides opportunities for enhanced thinking skills.
Next term, we will continue to learn and practise positive learning routines throughout our lessons for how we transition our attention between tasks.
It is important that students have regular and punctual attendance at school. For any student absences, please enter the reason on Compass as an Attendance Note. If students miss school regularly, they miss out on learning the fundamental skills that will set them up for success in the later years of school both socially and academically.
Every Day Counts. Teachers will be making contact home to follow up any ongoing absences or lateness without reasonable explanations.
Doughnut Day - Thursday 18th April
Primary Years students have the chance to order a Hot Jam Doughnut on the first Thursday of Term 2! Cost is $1 and must be ordered through Munch Monitor prior to Thursday. Jump on to Munch Monitor now to order in advance.