Head of Primary Years' Report

It's hard to believe we are in our final week of Term 1 2024; we have welcomed our new families and students, settled into learning, completed NAPLAN, and enjoyed many events such as today's Easter Bonnet Parade, Prep Info Night, Incursions, Special Guests and the building of a new playground. Thank you families for your ongoing support of all that we do here at Hazel Glen College.
Easter Bonnet Parade
It's was a joy to see our students (and staff!) parading their unique and creative Easter Bonnets this morning. This parade has become a lovely tradition here at Hazel Glen College, and a positive way to end our term. Thank you to the students and parents for your design, creation and sourcing of materials for these wonderful bonnets.
Ready Prep Go
This term we began running tours and an Information Evening for prospective families for Prep 2025. Next term, we will continue this process by formally opening enrolments to families from the beginning of Term 2, continuing our tours, and starting our Ready, Prep, Go Program. This program was a huge hit last year, as students and families will have the opportunity to experience a Prep classroom, engage in some activities, and get to know Hazel Glen College. All Prep 2025 families and children are welcome, so please sign up via our TryBooking link on our website.
Uniform Review
As you may be aware, our School Council is undergoing a review of our uniform across P-12. Thank you to families who completed the survey, and those who gave up their time in person or online for our parent forums. We gained much insight into how our community are feeling about our current uniform offerings, and in Term 2 we will take some time to listen to our students.
Following this, we will take this feedback into a design process and seek further feedback on any items we propose to remove, add or change.
I wish all families a safe and restful holiday and we'll see our students back on Monday 15th April.
Carolyn Bamberg
Head of Primary Years
Hazel Glen College