Secondary School

On this page: Compass Student Leaders Conference  /  The Rite Journey  /  Australian Olympic Beach Volleyballer Visit  /  Year 12 Business Innovation Excursion to SouthStart

Compass Student Leaders Conference


Earlier this month, our Year 12 College Captains and House Captains travelled to Canberra for the Compass Student Leaders Conference with Mr Mike Worley and Miss Georgina Lampard. They joined with students from over 20 Christian schools nationwide, for transformative discussions on faith, life, and leadership. 


At the heart of the conference were themes revolving around the Biblical narrative of creation, fall, and redemption. Through these lenses, our student leaders were encouraged to explore the intricate intersections between their faith, personal growth, and the broader cultural landscape. It was an opportunity to reimagine their roles, engage with the gospel's implications across various domains, and cultivate a vision of bringing vitality and blessing to our world.


In addition to the conference, students had the chance to explore key sites in Canberra, including the Australian War Memorial and Parliament House. They also enjoyed a bush dance evening (why don't you ask them about how Christianity is like bush dancing?).


We were so pleased to see the students engage with the key theme: to nurture a generation of Christian leaders equipped with a deep understanding of the gospel and culture, capable of bridging the gap between the two. As our students return from Canberra, we eagerly anticipate witnessing their continued growth as agents for positive change in our College community and beyond.


Michael Worley

Director of Year 11/12

The Rite Journey

Calling and Departure Ceremonies


Our Year 9 students launched into the The Rite Journey with the Calling, Departure and Challenge Day. Their year of personal and collective challenges is designed to launch them into the lifetime of challenges beyond school. We teachers were struck again by the simplicity, beauty and even holiness of parents sharing these symbolic moments with their children. In our busy lives, it was a gift to slow down together and simply acknowledge something wonderful that God is doing in the lives of these children. 


They are growing up. 

And not just on the outside, but in their hearts and minds too. Their plans and motivations are bending towards those great exploits that God is calling them to in the big wide world beyond home and school. Plans are forming. Talents are emerging. Courage is growing. Desires are rising to take on responsibilities and show what they can do. We’ve all been there and we want to celebrate this together. We want to invite God to shine on these dreams and desires and to bless them.


And we want to give our Year 9s every opportunity to take on the glorious and highly sought-after responsibilities of adulthood. To make their bed. To cook a meal. To serve without complaint. To realise it’s more blessed to give than to receive. To find joy in standing on their own two feet and working with their own two hands. 


To symbolise this transition, we looked back together to remember the blessings of childhood. We prayed, we sang, we exchanged letters. Then, as the sun rose, we invited these soon-to-be women and men, to consider what parts of childhood they have outgrown and are ready to say goodbye to. And now, the challenges begin...


Nigel Eaton and Justin Bailey

Rite Journey Coordinator and Director of 9/10 

The Calling Ceremony
The Departure
Challenge Day
The Departure
The Calling Ceremony
The Departure
Challenge Day
The Departure

Australian Olympic Beach Volleyballer Visit

Our Year 7 and 8 students recently had the privilege of listening to Australian Olympic beach volleyball player, Chris McHugh, as he shared insights from his remarkable journey.


Chris captivated us with his inspiring story, tracing his volleyball career from its beginnings in primary school to representing Australia at Tokyo Olympics, Commonwealth Games, and World Championships.


Our students eagerly engaged with Chris, asking questions that underscored their ambition to achieve their goals and pursue their passions, just as he has. They gained valuable insights into the level of sacrifice, discipline, and focus required for such achievements. Chris highlighted several benchmarks for success, including earning straight As on report cards, being selected for representative music groups or sports teams, and securing part-time employment.


Chris passed on many life lessons with a key take away being the importance of persistence and dedication in the face of challenges. Chris emphasised that in moments of hardship, when faced with rejection, or when overlooked for a position, the imperative is to persevere' 'do not giveup'! We only have to look at Jeremiah 29:11 to know that there is a path ahead and that there are no shortcuts or giving up if we want to fulfil God’s set path for us all. 


We pray that Chris will soon recover from his current injury and finish his Beach Volleyball career on a high, to claim Gold at this year's Paris 2024 Olympic Games.


Daryl Porter

Health/PE & Sports Coordinator (F-12) 

Topaz Pastoral Coordinator  

Year 12 Business Innovation Excursion to SouthStart

The Year 12 Business Innovation students attended 'Student Adventure' held by SouthStart and Future Anything who work with students and entrepreneurs to create innovative businesses to address people's everyday problems. 


Held at the Fringe Festival we not only enjoyed the interesting presentations, but also the entertainment of skits, songs and the Ferris Wheel. 


The sessions focused on enhancing our understanding of entrepreneurship and personal branding, identifying critical areas for developing our businesses, conducting brainstorming workshops, engaging with successful entrepreneurs, and observing pitches that showcased innovative ideas from new ventures.


It was a great day for class bonding, learning and developing our business innovation skills. We look forward to including these in our learning for 2024. 


Kerry Davis

Secondary School Teacher