Early Learning Centre

Kelsey Nicol and Tiana Cambareri, Early Childhood Educators

Year 5/6 Visit

One of our favourite aspects of being in ELC at Emmaus is that we are part of a wider Emmaus community! 


In Week 5, our Class 3 students were able to experience the wider community as our Year 5/6 students and their teacher Miss Cambareri, came to visit the ELC. We had a special time making friends with some older students within our Brooklyn Park campus! 


It was wonderful to see the patience and gentleness of the Year 5/6 students as they supported and welcomed a Class 3 student into a relational reading experience. The older students read stories to the Class 3s, sharing their reading skills with their younger buddy. 


As children were ready, the Class 3 students began to share their learning spaces and experiences with their older ‘buddy’. Showing them around the classroom and outdoor learning environment and sharing in some of their favourite activities such as colouring in, train track building and sandpit play. 


Within the ELC community, we have an ongoing commitment to quality improvement, with one of our key focuses being strengthening our community connections through our love of Christ. What a special time was had engaging in nurturing relationships with our oldest students and our youngest within our community! 


We look forward to continuing to strengthen this relationship together over the year!  


Kelsey Nicol and Tiana Cambareri

Early Childhood Educators