Prep Learning Reflection

Dear Prep Families,
These are our classroom values!
All of our wonderful Prep students have done an amazing job over Term 1 to demonstrate these values.
We had an incredible time during our school Colour Run! Our students were brave, fast and committed! Thank you so much to all of the families who helped on the day and to everyone who played their part in raising money!
This term we have started a new maths program and the students have done an excellent job building up their routines and learning to say, read, count and write numbers! Over the holidays see if your child can remember the Direction Duck Song and the rhymes we are learning to help us write our numbers!
A big congratulations to all of the students for their first Harmony Day! We are so proud of their efforts up on stage and the incredible work they have done learning about our cultural and personal differences.
Our students were lucky enough to have an incursion run by Greater Western Water. Sammy the Snake helped us learn about the Water Cycle. The students were able to act out the huge journey water takes, all the way from the ocean up into the sky, back down to the land as rain which eventually leads back to the ocean!
In Writing, we have been working hard on our 'I am', 'I can' and 'I like' books. The students have done an amazing job with the letter formations and their pictures too!