David's Message

Dear Sunshine Heights Parents and Carers,
What an incredible last few weeks of term. Harmony Week for us is always a special time, when we commit to acknowledging, celebrating and learning about each other's identities. This also provides lots of time for us to reflect on how we can ensure all our community members feel welcome in our school. Miss Francine has been collecting stories of how we each came to Sunshine Heights, and will be creating positions of Diversity Ambassadors in the coming weeks and months. If you have a background ranging from a different religion, culture, country, neurodiverse or LGBTIQ, we would love to hear from you.
The holiday break will give us all a chance to recharge our batteries for an amazing term 2. I hope you each get to spend time with family, enjoy some great weather, and rest up after a busy first term. Term 2 will see us celebrate Mums and special people, open our school up for Twilight School in Early June, and provide sporting opportunities with the grade 4-6 Athletics Day. I will be on leave in the UK for the first two weeks, unfortunately due to my father-in-law passing away last weekend. During this time Anthony will be Acting Principal, supported by Miss Francine and the team.
If you are looking for something fun to do this holidays, do check out the Western United School Holiday Camp (flyer below) hosted by the Sunshine Heights Soccer Club. There are also lots of great activities planned through TeamKids, which you can find out about on their page in the newsletter.
See you all in term 2!
Best wishes,
David and the Sunny Heights Team