PI-WEEK CELEBRATION (Tue 12/3 to Fri 15/3):


We had a great turn out of inquisitive and passionate students coming to enjoy the celebration of Pi! The Pi-week at Auburn high School was packed with fun, maths activities and a delicious bake sale on Friday! Students gathered in teams to compete in our maths games on Tuesday, explored circley art on Wednesday and art coding on Friday, or, on Thursday (the actual Pi-Day!), baked a pie or got inspired by joining our Pi-Photo competition to answer the question: “Where did I use maths today?”! Well done to the first three winning teams of the maths games and the first three students who won the Pi-Photo competition. Many thanks to families and students who contributed pies for our bake sale! All proceeds went to Auburn High School's Relay for Life fund. 





French Immersion and French-Binational students are sitting the French version of the Kangourou des Maths competition, while the Australian version of the competition, the Kangourou sans Frontières, will take place on voluntary basis for Yr7 to Yr 10 students, on Tuesday 26/3 and Wednesday 27/3. These two competitions are getting more than 6 million participants from junior and intermediate school around the world challenging their maths skills during this week and next week!

While we have our heads in maths competition, the school invited some French students in 4ème (Yr 8) to participate in the French Maths Olympiades, a competition taking place across the French AEFE schools in Asia-Pacific region.


Parents and families can support our students by looking at Kangourou des Maths/Kangourou sans Frontières past papers available online, or encourage the  students to join our maths channel and maths club every Thursday.



The STEM teachers wish students and their families a wonderful and relaxing Easter break and look forward to an exciting second term! So WATCH THIS SPACE for future events and key dates!


STEM KEY DATES: What’s on in March?


Friday 22nd of March: French immersion students and French binational students will sit in the Kangourous des Maths competition (in French).


Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th of March: All registered students will sit the Kangourou sans Frontières Maths Competition (in English). This is a voluntary event.


Wednesday 27th of March: Selected students in 4ème will sit in the Maths Olympiades Competition, a first time event organised with the AEFE schools network.