Arts and technology

Sarah McCrum

Arts & Technology Learning Area Leader


The Arts & Technology students at Auburn High School have made a superb start in 2024! Year 7 & 8 Visual Art students have begun painting and learning about Impressionism, while Contemporary Art students have been learning about portraits and proportions of the face. Year 7 & 8 Drama students have been developing their expressive performance skills while Year 7 & 8 DigiTech students have been learning about binary and copyright in the digital realm along with learning about html code and website design. 


The Year 9 Visual Arts students have been developing skills with tonal drawing, VisComm students have been learning about technical drawing methods and DigiTech students have been extending their skills in using and presenting data in Excel. Year 9 Drama students have been enjoying creating performances based on a chosen social issue. Moreover, the Y9 Media students have been busily creating and editing a trailer for a movie and experimenting with all of the media equipment, codes and conventions.  


Year 10 students have been exploring the reduction linocut process in Art, illustration styles and communication design in VisComm, while Film students have been analysing stylistic choices of auteur directors and filming for their own short thriller films. 


VCE Art Creative Practice students have been exploring a range of historical and contemporary artists and artmaking techniques in preparation for their first folios for the year, VCE Visual Communication Design students have been developing understanding of human-centred design problems and VCE Computing students are exploring programming project ideas for their major coding task. On top of that, VCE Media students have been exploring representations in the media, how narratives are constructed and how different contexts impact on different audiences. They also enjoyed an excursion to the ACMI where they viewed a screening of the top performances from VCE Media students last year and had the opportunity to ask questions.  


We have seen the ADEC area undergo a little revamp over the summer break, and are looking forward to having a permanent mini-gallery space in the area to display the amazing work of our students throughout 2024!