Parents and Friends News

Parents and Friends Meeting
St Mary's P&F will host their first meeting for the year with the prinicpal to discuss upcoming events for our school community. This is a great opportunity to have your say, build social relationships and contribute to your child's schooling experience.
Meeting: Wednesday May 1st 6:00pm-6:45pm at The Empire Hotel.
Footy Tipping Early Bird Prize
The winner of the Early Bird Prize was Julie Scullie congratulations! We would like to thank our sponsor – The Australian Eucalyptus Oil Company for their generous donation.
Easter Raffle: Thank you to all our families who made donations for the schools Easter Raffle. With your support we were able to raise $285. This will help towards improving our school's existing irrigation system and fruit fly nets.
The winners were;
First Prize - Jamie Nevins
Second Prize - Zavier Nevins
Third Prize - Tate Paton