Student News

Cross Country
In Week 8 of Term 1, all of the students went to the Junior Fun Day and Cross Country Day. The children had so much fun, and congratulations to those who ran the Cross Country for the first time and those who went up to the 3km run.
At St Mary's, we wish to send special congratulations to Emmett, Kiarah, Olivia, Lucy, Jordan, and Edmund, who will all advance to the next stage at the Bendigo racecourse next Wednesday. To those families of the six students mentioned above, permission forms have been sent out on PAM with further information, including how the students will be transported there and back. We look forward to seeing how they all go!
Foundation - Grade 2 Numeracy
During our Place Value unit, we are learning to group large collections into fives or tens to make it easier to count. We can then just count by 5s or 10s to find out how many, without having to count every single one! How clever are we!
Foundation - Grade 2 Literacy.
In Foundation and Grade 1, the students are learning about ANZAC Day by reading Belinda Landsberry's ANZAC Ted. Students have been learning how to use adjectives to describe how ANZAC Ted looks throughout the book. They completed an activity where they designed their own ANZAC Ted and wrote a sentence using adjectives to describe him.