School News

Catholic Education Week
Catholic Education Week will be celebrated in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Sandhurst from April 28th - May 4th 2024. This annual event is held to promote Catholic schools' special ethos and highlight the great things that take place in Catholic schools every day. The theme for this year’s celebrations is ‘Behold, I Make All Things New’. Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of those in our schools and in the wider community by challenging young people to live out the message of Jesus and walk the way of the gospel to reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of society.
During Catholic Education Week, we are promoting visitors and new enrolments. Please see the details below.
Walk Safely to School Day
St Mary’s Catholic Primary is taking part in National Walk Safely to School Day on Friday, 10th May 2023. Walk Safely to School Day encourages positive environmental action, better use of public transport with reduced car dependency, and encourages parents and carers to walk more, reducing dangerous traffic congestion around schools. Being active everyday, including walking to school, can help make a difference for many Australians. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or carer - everyone has a role to play in helping children and young people to lead active healthy lives. Remember, Active Kids are Healthy Kids, so start planning your own journey for Walk Safely to School Day on Friday, 10th May 2024.
Out of Hours School Care
St Mary’s now has access to the Out of School Hours Care and Holiday program, which is run independently at IPS. This is a great opportunity for the St Mary's and the Inglewood community, as the school can provide safe travel to and from IPS. I do recommend that each family enrol their child in this service, and then they have the option to use it casually or as they wish. For enrolments or any other enquiries, please get in touch with Juliana Arenas (Director):
M: 0411 821 530. Email: