
Harmony Week

In the spirit of celebrating Harmony Week, our students participated in various classroom activities centered around inclusiveness, belonging, and the celebration of diverse cultures. Emphasizing the importance of respect and meaningful communication, students were encouraged to wear a touch of orange, symbolizing unity and understanding. Harmony week served as a reminder of our collective commitment to embrace difference and nurture a culture of harmony and respect with our school.  (Photos to come next week)


2BL Assembly

On Monday, 2BL delievered a fantastic Wellbeing assembly on breathing techniques, providing us with invaluable tools for daily use to foster clamness and regulate our emotions. Throughout the week, when you are faced with challenging moments, I encourage you to practice the techniques below and take note of the impact it has on you. 


Square breathing is where you slowly trace around a square as you breathe in and out.


Whale breathing is where you breathe through your nose for five counts then tilt your head back and breathe through your blowhole (mouth).   


Bunny breathing is when you pretend you are a bunny rabbit. Take three short breaths in, like a bunny sniffing a carrot. Hold your breath for a moment and then breathe out through your mouth. 


Infinity breathing is when you slowly outline the infinity symbol with your finger breathing as you go. 


Five finger breathing is when you trace round each of your fingers. Breathe in as you go up each finger, and out as your go down each finger. 


Hot drink breathing: imagine you are holding a mug of hot chocolate. Breathe in through your nose to smell the yummy drink. Breathe out through your mouth to cool down the drink. 


Candle breathing is where you place your fingers in front of you like candles. You then blow each candle out with short sharp breaths. 


The Resilience Project

For more on the Resilience Project check out their website: The Resilience Project


And for more on building wellbeing and resilience at home visit:  TRP@HOME


Bridget Troup

Wellbeing Leader