Religious Education

Catholic Education Week

Last Week was Catholic Education Week. On Friday, our Year 6 Social Justice Leaders were invited by the Melbourne Archdiocese to attend mass at St Patrick's Cathedral.  We were amazed by the beauty of the Cathedral, the number of staff and students present and the wonderful liturgical music led by various school choirs and instrumentalists. Our students carried the St Patrick's School banner with pride in procession with schools from all across our Archdiocese. Inspired by the theme of  "Let your Light Shine", the students had a wondeful time visiting the glorious cathedral and seeing the diversity and strength of Catholic Schools in Melbourne.

Gospel Reflection

Gospel Reading

Mark 11:1-10

Jesus enters Jerusalem as the crowds shout, “Hosanna!”


Unpacking the Scriptures

This Sunday, called Palm or Passion Sunday, is the first day of Holy Week. Jesus enters Jersualem, preparing to celebrate the feast of the passover with his disciples. At this point of the Gospel, Jesus has already travelled to many towns, speaking about the kingdom of God and performing many miracles. He is well known and being the feast of the passover, Jews from all over come to Jersualem to worship in the temple. Knowing Jesus is coming too, crowds of people gather in excitement to welcome him. They shout “hosanna!” which is a Hebrew phrase meaning "Pray, save us!”


At this point many people believe him to be the Messiah - meaning their saviour. They believed he would save them from the harsh rule of the Romans, and bring a new kingdom on earth like his descendant King David. However Jesus had an even greater plan - to save humanity through his death and resurrection and bring the kingdom of heaven on earth. 


The crowds lay down their coats and palms which was a symbol of victory and triumph. Jesus rides on a donkey instead of a horse to demonstrate his humility - his power isn’t through force but service. Throughout this holy week Jesus will remind us “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve


Let this Palm Sunday be a reminder for us all to welcome Jesus into our hearts and to be willing to follow him in how we love and serve one another.


Family Connection

During this week, we remember God's ultimate sacrifice for us "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son" Jn 3:16. Display a crucifix in a prominent place as reminder to your family of the salvation that Christ won for us. This can also serve as the focal point for family prayer during Holy Week. Due to the length and complexity of the passion narrative, it can be difficult for children to remain attentive when it is read in its entirety. Consider making a tradition of each day of Holy Week reading a part of the Gospel following the narrative of Holy Week. Provide opportunity for children to ask questions and respond to the events described there. Use bible picture books or watch a cartoon narration via YouTube if that helps your child understand. In this way, the entire week can become a “way of the cross.” The passion as found in Mark’s Gospel might be read as follows throughout the week:

Sunday:Mark 11:1-10 (Gospel at the Procession with Palms)
Monday:Mark 14:1-11
Tuesday:Mark 14:12-26
Wednesday:Mark 14:27-52
Thursday:Mark 14:53-72
Friday:Mark 15:1-41
Saturday:Mark 15:42-47


Read together Mark 11:1-10 and reflect on the humilty and sacrifice of Jesus. Pray that you may always be guided by His spirit:


Loving Jesus, open our hearts so we may sing your praise. Help us to welcome you into our lives, and to see you in all our brothers and sisters throughout the world. Amen.


God bless,


India Mitchell-Fletcher

Religious Education Leader