Parents and Friends Association

We hope everyone enjoyed our first ever St Patrick’s Day Festival!!!The joy and excitement on the faces of the students as we set up during the day was the best! To see our community come together, the smiles, laughter and excitement was an absolute highlight for us. It confirms why we have stepped into our roles, to create fun, memorable events for our school community to enjoy together!  We could not have gotten the show on the road without our Secretary, Maria Hogan and our Treasurer, Suzy Luppino. We are grateful to have an amazing team to work with. We specially thank Maria Hogan for going above and beyond working endless hours with us to pull Friday together. 


Thank you Danny Benoiton for all your hard work and assistance helping us set up and pack up the event. Without the help from our community these events are not possible. All the parent helpers and teachers who put in time to assist in various areas were a key part to making this event happen. We thank you all!!!!


A massive thank you to Mr Berlingeri for supporting our vision every step of the way! We are grateful to have your continued support and encouragement.


We look forward to seeing you all at our next event.


Maryann Luci and Marie Facciolo.Co-Presidents of the Parents and Friends Committee.


Parents & Friends Meeting Dates for 2024

Please note the following P & F dates for your diaries:

Tuesday 30th April - 7:30pm

Tuesday 23rd July - 7:30pm

Tuesday 12th November - 7:30pm (AGM)

Hot Cross Bun Day

Easter Egg Raffle

P&F - Constitution

Please find attached below our revised P & F constitution