Administration Matters

Important information from the Office Team

Some reminders: 

Students belongings:

Please put first name and last name on students belongings

Jackets, Hats, Lunch Boxes and Watter Bottles

ALL students must have their own hat.


Canteen: On-line orders close at 9am

Compass: On Compass you will see notifications for 'INSIGHTS CYCLES', please "click here to proceed" on the links to complete both the LOCAL AREA WALKING EXCURSION and PHOTO & VIDEO PERMISSIONS.

2024 CSEF (Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund)

Forms are available from the school office. Annual payment to the school to be used towards camps, sports, and / or excursions.


a) Be an eligible beneficiary within the meaning of the State Concessions Act 2004, be a holder of Veterans Affairs Gold Card or be an eligible Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) or Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) holder, OR

b) Be a temporary foster parent and; 

c) Submit an application to the school by the due date.



If you haven't already done so please 

Log in details to purchase your 2024 Book Packs at 


2024 Prep


Password: Parents-24


2024 Year 1-6 


Password: Parents-24