Physical Education

Hi Families,
Has been a big start to sport this term.
Sport Dates for the Diary:
Wednesday 12th June - Year 4 Winter Gala Day
Thursday 13th June - Eastern Metropolitan Regional Cross County event
Friday 21st June - Year 5 & 6 Winter Gala Day
SSV Team Vic
Some of the Year 6 students have been coming in and chatting to me about the SSV team process. This information was sent out at the start of the year but I thought I would reconfirm the process again this week. This process has changed over the years. While we once would have sought students and endorsed individuals for a sport, now this is an online process and it is up to the parent/carer on whether they think their child is suitable for this process and they register them. Staff at school will only be contacted and asked to endorse someone if your child is selected for a Vic Team. To find out more information on this process you can click here
Different sports have different registration dates and so therefore I highly recommend if you have a sport in mind that you head to the following - Team Vic Sport and Registration Key Dates
This can be a great opportunity for students but it is also a competitive environment as some of these teams are small. If you think you would like your child to go for some experience (year 5 & 6 age groups) then this is fine but please also remember that it is recommended that your child is playing these sports regularly, and are potentially in representative teams for their sport.
There are also many opportunities when they head to high school so for the students to simply continue enjoying their sport and having fun is also really important than focusing on this type of process.
Any further information you can go to
Division Cross Country
Congratulations to all of the students that competed in last weeks District Cross Country event! The weather was amazing and as always the SJV students gave 100% and supported each other when not racing.
Today, 19 students that came top 20 in their age group will race again at Ruffey Lake Park. They will be vying for a place in the top 12 in their age group to move on to the Eastern Metropolitan Regional event on June 13th. We wish the following students all the best of luck:
9/10 boys - Darcy & Andrew
9/10 girls - Georgia, Ivy, Soraya & Angelina
11 boys - Xavier, Koray, Spencer & Matthew
11 girls - Amelia, Hula & Adele
12 boys - Nathan & Henry
12 girls - Asher, Lucy, Lucy & Macy
Spotlight on PE
Taekwondo Year 1 & 2
This week we welcome Richard Noble from Taekwondo Australia to our year 1 & 2 classes. He will be teaching the year 1 & 2 students some Taekwondo over the next four weeks. I encourage you to ask your children what they have learnt in class.
Orienteering Year 5
Our year 5s will have an external teacher come in over the next two weeks to do some Orienteering classes with them. This is one of the offered sports when we apply for sporting school grants and another alternative sport to offer students that may not enjoy the traditional sports or may enjoy something a little different. We can't wait to see what the students think. Once these have been observed we will introduce these sessions to some of our year 3-6 classes before end of term.
Basketball Clinics Year 4-6
Over the coming weeks we will have external run basketball clinics to follow on from our basketball skill lessons in PE. The students will play a round robin basketball tournament in Term 3 (August) so we are preparing for this.
Our preps are finishing off their throwing and catching unit over the next two weeks. I highly recommend if you get a chance to head outside with them and see how far they have progressed. They should be able to recite their "step, swing, throw" for their underarm, "butterfly/W hands for high catches and "salad bowl" for low catches and there "Step, Push, Throw" with arms like a capital L for their overarm throws.
Have a great week ahead
Stay safe, keep active
Catherine Wall
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Sport Coordinator