Year 5/6 News

Radhika and Ramisa



By Abdulrahman 5/6 A

What are Tsunamis? Tsunamis are huge waves caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides.

Tsunamis are dangerous, natural disasters. Tsunamis can reach over 100 feet, and about 80% of Tsunamis occur around the Ring of Fire.  The Ring of Fire is around the Indian Ocean where Indonesia, New Zealand, Papua New Guina, Philippines and Japan have experienced Tsunamis.

How do Tsunamis happen? Tsunamis happen because of Volcanic eruption, Landslides and Earthquakes. These natural disasters that make the Tsunami occur is because they make a large amount of water, and the energy has to go someplace so then this makes lots of huge waves that forms a Tsunami.

Did you know a Tsunami can go 800 km (about 500 miles)/h, also it can take anything on its way back to the ocean.

To survive a Tsunami, we need to go to the highest place, for example a mountain or a tall building. 

MSO Excursion

On May 31st the Year 5/6 students went on an excursion to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra in the city. 


The students were super excited to visit the auditorium and listen to a musical rendition of the story The Peasant Prince. The book was read to the students and then the music was played with each instrument connected to a character, feeling and the storyline. 


After this, we walked to the ACMI and saw how video and photos had evolved over the years. 

It was a wonderful experience for our students. Many thanks to Jenny Greenway for availing this opportunity to our students. 


Here are some of their reflections and thoughts...........


I really liked listening to the music, my favourite instrument was the viola or the glockenspiel and the story about the peasant prince was awesome. What I didn't like as much was that there was a bit too much talking. We also went to ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) my favourite bit at ACMI was the place where we could play all the retro games. 


MSO was fun and the story we were told that day was called the "Peasant Prince". The story was about a boy named Li and he was an ordinary kid who lived with his brothers, Father and Mother. Then one day whilst the boy was at school a few soldiers came by and interrupted the class saying that they needed 2 or 3 kids to take with them.  A moment later the teacher chose 2 students Li and another one of his classmates. After that, the soldiers informed the kid's parents of the news which devastated them. Anyway, fast forward to the future the son is now an amazingly talented Ballet dancer and is one of the best! 

I liked how they summarised the story for us and gave us sensational music along with it.   The music made me feel a sense of harmonisation.  When the MSO had finished we went for a walk to a place called ACMI which means Australian Centre for the Moving Image.  We saw lots of inspiring creations of many types, most of them flooding our thoughts on the 5Ws and 1H.  


I had lots of fun, the lights were very pretty and the instruments playing were so beautiful. 

I like how the story was being told with the music. My favourite instrument was the harp along with the violins. We also went to ACMI an art gallery, it was very cool with lots of information and how things evolved from time to time.  There was this very cool statue and it was spinning very fast and it looked like an illusion. 


I liked the music and had so much fun. I loved the story about the boy who wanted to be a ballet dancer. After that, we went to ACMI - it was so fun and the best part was it was free. 


I had tons of fun but most of all I loved how the music would make the room feel so alive and energetic. My favourite instrument was the beautiful majestic harp.  After that, we went to ACMI and it was FREE. MY FAVOURITE was the cup head show where you would click something then the show would start!!!!! 


I loved the music but the show was a little bit long. I loved ACMI more than the music. The reason why I loved the ACMI more is that they have lots of information about lots of things and you could save the information with the ACMI card so that you can read about it later at home. 


By Ethan Arun Jeromias 

We learnt about millilitres and litres, an activity we did measuring water with a jugs, syringe, and beakers. We had to measure different amounts of water then converting them to litres. We then went on the Coles website and find values similar to what we measured and placed them in our books. Finally we did a tally of the total millilitres converted to litres of all the things we purchased. 

Environment / Sustainability

A message from the environmental captains Gurnaaz and Xin Xin supported by Kathie. 


Starting next term we will be having a Nude Food Day every Thursday. This means students should try their best to bring a rubbish free lunch, using reusable containers instead. Each Thursday lunchtime the environmental captains will visit each classroom to see which class has the least rubbish in their lunchboxes. The winning class will receive the trophy at the following assembly!  Good luck everyone.