Year 3/4 News

Akshpreet, Leannder and Sean

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

The Year 3/4 students along with the 5/6s recently travelled to the City of Melbourne to watch the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra play and narrate the story of the “Peasant Prince”.


The students were thrilled to see a story come to life through music and illustrations. The conductor clearly explained and showcased all the different varieties of instruments and how they colour the music that is composed and played to evoke different emotions in the listener. 


Afterwards, the students left Hamer Hall and walked to have lunch by the Federation Bells and have a short break enjoying the beautiful sunny weather we were so lucky to enjoy that day. We then walked to ACMI and explored the wide range of interesting and engaging light, sound and moving image displays and objects. It was a wonderful day, filled with new experiences with exciting and interesting visual and auditory delights.