Foundation News

Manpreet and Jack

Numeracy: Number Fun with Charts

In Numeracy, our Foundation students are having a blast exploring numbers through various engaging activities. Using number charts and focusing on a "Number of the Week," students are learning to identify and understand numbers in a fun and interactive way. These activities are helping to build a strong numerical foundation, making math an enjoyable part of their day.

Literacy: Perfecting Our Penmanship

Our Little writers are working hard on their literacy skills, focusing on writing neatly and legibly. Students are also practising rereading their work to ensure clarity and coherence. We're proud to showcase a photo of standout student work from each class, highlighting their impressive progress and dedication to becoming confident writers.


Buddy Program: Garland Display Delight

Our Buddy Program is fostering wonderful friendships and creative projects. Recently, our students teamed up with their buddies to create a beautiful garland display, which now brightens up our school. Check out the attached photo to see their amazing collaborative effort and the joy of working together. The Buddy Program continues to be a highlight, bringing students closer and encouraging teamwork and creativity.