Assistant Principal's News

Josie Burt

Hello families - Welcome to winter!

The weather has shifted this week and I wanted to remind families to ensure that your child is wearing enough uniform to keep warm. A long-sleeved undergarment is a perfect extra layer, so long as they are hidden under the school uniform. We encourage students to bring a coat to wear when it is time to go outside.


If your child is unwell, particularly if they have a persistent cough, please keep them home for the benefit of their peers, teachers and their own wellbeing.


I have had the pleasure of conducting the Attitudes to School Survey (AToSS) with our Year 4-6 students over the last two weeks. It was fantastic to see the time and thought that all students put into their answers. The data we gather from this survey allows the school to track student wellbeing, student engagement and to what extent students feel they are supported in their learning. Student voice is a priority in our school, and this is one of the ways we can get feedback on whether our students feel their voice is heard.



I want to congratulate our 5/6 team - Radhika, Ramisa and Jack on a highly successful Sleepover event. This is a fantastic way for students to have the camp experience in our non-camp year.


Division Cross Country

Congratulations to Elias, Khadijah and Abdulrahman for representing Clayton North so well at the Monash Waverly Division Cross Country on the 29th of May.  All three students demonstrated excellent resilience, determination and sportsmanship. Elias ran 7th out of nearly 100 competitors and received an invitation to compete at the regional level.

Book Fair

Thank you to all families who visited our Scholastic book fair. It was a great success, and it was wonderful to see so many students reading with families before and after school.


The Premier's Reading Challenge is open for registering books read at home and at school. Students have received usernames and passwords from their class teachers. We currently have 13 students who have met the challenge requirements!


ICAS tests are still open for registration (School code: RNK714) until the 15th of July. This is an optional extra assessment that you can enrol your child in if you wish.