Principal's News

Sue Simadri

Dear Clayton North Primary School Community

Welcome to Winter .... brrr!! 


One of the main events on our school calendar this term was the school review, which is now complete. The review panel visited classrooms and spoke with school leaders, parents and students to gather information on what is going well and where the gaps may be. The reviewer will provide the school with a full report, that includes fieldwork findings, highlights, and where we currently sit in our overall school practice. 


Discussions with the panel have resulted in revising our goals for 2024. 


Goal 1: To optimise the learning growth of every student in all areas of the curriculum.

a.To develop and embed the Clayton North whole-school instructional model.

b. To develop a consistent approach to planning against the VC 2.0 and EAL pathways that utilises diagnostic data to identify points of need.

c. To build teacher understanding and application of VC 2.0 and EAL pathways to extend student growth.


Goal 2: To strengthen student agency, inclusion, and well-being.

a. To build student inclusion through goal setting and real-life learning.

b. To provide a strong transition program that engages students, families, and staff.

c. To build teacher knowledge of the needs of vulnerable/priority cohorts.


The work ahead involves us, as a staff, identifying what we will do to achieve the set goals and targets.


Thank you to Jolene Meinhardt, School Council President, for giving up time to be on the review panel and providing her perspective as a parent. 


Thank you also to the many parents and students who participated in the focus groups and shared their knowledge and experience of our school, as well as, areas for improvement. 

Uniform Policy

Having updated all our school policies recently, it is appropriate that the community is duly informed. Attached is a copy of the policy, which can also be found on the school website. I want to highlight a few things:

  • The wearing of the school uniform is compulsory for all students.
  • The school colours are bottle green and orange.
  • Promotes a sense of identity and pride, and promotes equality amongst all students. 
  • Enhances individual student safety and group security.
  • All items of school uniform must be clearly labelled with your child's name.
  • Winter uniform options are available.
  • The school can assist families experiencing financial hardship; please contact the office.
  • If your child is out of school uniform, a written explanation is required. 
  • A note may be provided to the child informing them of non-compliance when they present out of uniform.

I appreciate the effort that parents have made when approached to promptly follow up to ensure their child is in the correct gear. Thank you for your continued support.


Parent Teacher Interviews

Following the release of semester 1 reports on Wednesday 26th June, the Compass portal will be opened for parents to make bookings. 

Interviews will be offered Tuesday/Wednesday 16th/17th July from 2pm to 4.45pm and Thursday 18th July from 3.45pm to 4.45pm.


Please contact the office if you do not have access to Compass.

Thank you!

As you probably know, the lock for the gate leading into the school courtyard, jammed yesterday and we had to exit all our students and families via the front office door entrance! 

One of our Kid's Hope Mentors, Ian Oglesby, who was working with his mentee today, offered to bring in his magic tools and has successfully fixed the lock; the gate is back in operation. Thank you, Ian!

Term 3 staffing update

I will be taking three weeks of leave at the beginning of Term 3. Josie will step in as Acting Principal in my absence. Elisha Park, from Hughesdale Primary School, will be the Acting Assistant Principal for that time.


School holidays in 2 weeks - have a great break!

Sue Simadri