Specialist News

Bronwyn, Geraldine, Vimala, Rebecca and Jenny

Parent Conversation Group 

We have lots to talk about at our Parent Conversation Group. Wenhua Lai made delicious beef dumplings and we all enjoyed them!

Here we are sampling some goodies. Dodol from Sri Lanka and Hawthorn tablet from China. Thank you to Wenhua Lai and Bandara Herath for bringing these delicious snacks from your country.



Hands-on learning in EAL: the Year 3/4 students are making lunar rovers out of Lego and the 5/6 students are making a model of the Earth (core, mantle and crust) out of plasticine.


Performing Arts News

Let’s dance! This term students have been learning about ‘phrases’ in their dance lessons as well as in their literacy lessons! In dancing, a phrase is a series of dance steps that are part of a whole dance. Students have been learning that phrases come in counts of eight and each level has been learning different phrases. It was challenging to begin with, but everyone seems to be in the swing of it now.


Physical Education News

In Physical Education, senior school students have been learning about cricket in a pilot social cricket program by Belgravia Sports Community for the past 5 weeks. They have progressed a lot in their cricket skills, and teamwork skills and had a lot of fun. In the last week, they put all their learning into practice and had a real cricket match within the class. It was difficult to say goodbye to our coach Liam at the end of the program. Well done to all the students for having a go and working well together. 

Art Room News

Monash Youth Art for Reconciliation 2024

It was fantastic to be part of the Monash Youth Art for Reconciliation 2024 Treaty art exhibition this year and learn about Aboriginal culture through art. The exhibition was a great success with our students represented, as well as, over 10 other local schools and kinder groups. The opening night was attended and supported by Wurrundjeri elder Ian Hunter, Dr. Carina Garland Member for Chisholm, Matt Fregon MP, Cr. Nicky Luo, and Cr. Brian Little.


Here is a picture of some of our CNPS student artwork at the exhibition and a certificate of appreciation.


Thank you to all those who went along and supported this event.


String Art

Students in Years 5/6 have been working on a string art textiles project. Students were asked to generate a mathematical rule or pattern to create a unique string art design. This project required a lot of problem-solving by the students as well as developing their sewing skills. Check outsome of their wonderful creations.